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Personal Injury

A case qualifies as a personal injury case when a party becomes ill or gets injured because of the negligence of some other party, and there are evident damages caused to the first party.

The reason behind this is because all the people are entitled to have a duty towards each other, which means everyone has to prevent others from any kind of harm, and personal injury lawyers mostly deal with these cases when this duty is not properly met, and someone gets harmed as a result of it.


Civil Claim Damages

Nearly all the states allow a victim of an accident to pursue their right of compensation from the party who is responsible for their loss in order for them to be liable and cover the cost of their damages.

However, it is to remember that you must prove that the other person is responsible for the case to avoid any kind of wrongful lawsuit against you.

To prepare your claim that the other party holds responsible, here are some of the things you can do:

  • If you have proof of lost salary or wage loss after the accident
  • If you have any videos or photos of the accident
  • Medical records of your injuries
  • Records of communication between your insurance company and you
  • Receipts of the property damage you had to face

Bodily Injury

Bodily injury is a kind of injury that can be referenced in criminal court cases; these cases refer to injuries that happened to someone who has been a victim of some kind of crime or assault.

The major difference between bodily injury and personal injury is that you might encounter each one in a legal context. However, each type of case might also present different standards for proof and liability.

Other Party’s Expenses

You know that bodily injury refers to some kind of harm that is done to the body because of a criminal accident, such as burns, cuts, fractured bones, and nerve damage.

For example, if you somehow run a red light and strike a cyclist, you might be held at some fault for their injuries.

Legal Implications

Legal implications related to bodily injury completely depend on your state of the fault and where you live, also what extent and kind of insurance you need to carry in an accident.

After you are involved in an accident, you would first have to file for the damages with the help of your own insurance company, regardless of the fact that who might have been the cause of the accident.

In this case, you might also have to bear additional costs as your PIP might not cover the costs of this, and having this policy certainly also does not prevent you from pursuing additional losses as well.

Bodily liability insurance covers all the damages that are caused to the other party if you were the cause of the accident.

Statute Of Limitation After An Accident

In order to pursue a civil claim for personal injury, you do not have an unlimited window of time for you. This means that you need to file the claim in some limited time that is set by the government of your state to seek the financial recovery of your loss.

However, it is to remember that if the accident has caused some kind of fatalities or loss of life, the time limit might be different.

Some of the other factors that might also affect the limitation of the time window might be the ages of the people who were involved in the accident.

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