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Nuisance from neighbour's activities

(Querist) 08 October 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I am an engineering graduate currently unemployed preparing for competitive exams.
I live with my parents in a peaceful and decent neighbourhood with working individuals and families, however ever since a new tenant has moved into a house next to ours, we've been facing problems.
The neighbour is a woman living with her daughter and son.
Every other day there is someone or the other knocking at our gate and shouting abuses and insults at that woman for not returning the money borrowed by her.
It has also been noticed that a lot of different men are arriving and leaving her house at odd hours due to which many assume it is a prostitute's residence and can be seen standing outside in front of my house in confusion.
My parents are both working, therefore im practically home alone from morning 9 to 6 in the evening.This woman harasses me verbally and with raw vulgarity each time I step out of my house indirectly on the pretext of abusing someone on phone.
I have never spoken to the women or even looked her in the eye till date.
At first I did not notice, but she does it the minute she sees me leaving or entering my house gate.
The house owner, the other tenants and the neighbours know of her activities and are scared of her to stand up to her or to even complain due her vulgarity and abusive nature.
I've avoided confrontation all this while, and the only thing I am being is a silent victim to the abuse and harassment by her.
My parents are afraid of taking any action as I stay alone at home all day and do not want to jeopardize my safety.
I do know that improper human behaviour is not a punishable offense but I'd like to know how to proceede in dealing with her.
1.Is it a legit complaint if I lodge a complaint against her?
2.If I do so, what exactly would be the nature of my complaint?
3.Can this be tackled and resolved with the involvement of the police?
Anirudh (Expert) 09 October 2015
So long as she has not directly abused you, better ignore, as though nothing has happened and concentrate on your exam.

You know that your parents would be returning only in the evening and not in between. Therefore even if some one comes to her house and knocking or doing something, being inside your house, you have nothing to bother or worry about. Just concentrate on your studies and nothing else. The kind of complaints will not fetch any result rather it will aggravate further and whatever little peace that now you have, will also go for a sixer.

Guest (Expert) 09 October 2015
Fix A CC camera and Record their nuisance basing on that Police complaints and other Legal steps could be Taken.
P. Venu (Expert) 09 October 2015
You are young;learnto take it in the stride. In the meanwhile, your parents can talk to neighbour and request them to rent the house to another person.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 October 2015
Try to avoid. Agree with the advice from expert Anirudh.
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 13 October 2015
Follow the advice of expert Anirudh.

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