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My inlaws interfere in my marriage life...

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 March 2019 This query is : Resolved 
I married to my wife on 1st Mar 2008
God blessed us two sweet kids in 2010 and in 2012.
Since my wife having habit to talk lie incl every small matter. This was gifted to her by her mother.
Every time few dispute came between us due to this.

But her mother ignored her crystal clear lie.
2 months ago, from small dispute (came from her lie), she called her mother by telling her half truth.
Without hearing my statement her mother take her from my house without asking me. Every time found her mother doing like this.

My kids called her after 15 days, and she told me to come and take her from her parental house. Accordingly, I gone and ask her to come with me, but her mother asked her to say no by looking in her eyes.

They both also taken my cousin in their side as they have some secret of my cousin which disturb her married life.
Please guide me. I want to her back with me. May I File RCR?

My Small kids waiting for her.
Guest (Expert) 18 March 2019
" Never try to rotten up some one's life with your lies - The Truth would collapse your life "
Guest (Expert) 18 March 2019
Try to have a real understanding in life with your life partner so that no body could shake it.
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 18 March 2019
Wait for her some time before indulging in any kind of litigation that may backfire.
Your children are with you that's the most important and positive point in your favor.
If your wife is working person or has means to maintain herself, that will add to your case.
Wait and watch for now is best for you. Let your wife come forward with her demand before you look for restitution of conjugal relationship.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Expert) 18 March 2019
You can amicably discuss the issue with the help of your parents in meeting with you in laws. If nothing comes out you can always take recourse by initiating legal action.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 19 March 2019
It is not a big issue, which can not be sorted out amicably.
Do not adventure for litigation if you are interested in peaceful life.
Guest (Expert) 19 March 2019
Not a legal, but a cultural and psychological problem. Once you take any legal action that is surely to bounce back on you to create uncalled for and uncontrollable miseries for you. So, that needs to be sorted out by interference of the elders and friends of both sides.

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