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varun aggarwal

About me

  Member Since : 22 July 2010  (New Delhi)

As any other True Professional, I’m all for  my profession. AS I started practising at Sub-Divison Courts at Batala as well as at District & Sessions Division at Gurdaspur since the year 2005, contested, defended & appeared in number of Civil, Criminal, Family, Revenue matters including the commercials, arbitration matters, the Motor Accident Tribunals, Wakf  Tribunals etc. etc. Im passionate about my legal profession and right from the day one of my joining i have learnt from my father to do the best for client as well as for the person who has come to me for my assisstence and advice. My theory is FIRST DESERVE THEN DESIRE. Im blessed in way that we are the family of lawyers starting from my Great Grand father Sh. Prem Dass Aggarwal Advocate who started practising in the year 1935 and thereafter my father Sh. Sushil. K. Aggarwal Advocate joined the Bar around the year 1980. Later I’ve got my enrolled with SUPREME COURT BAR ASSOCIATION, to which I’m the member for the last three years. My Message  For Young Colleagues, “LIFE AT THE BAR IS NOT THE BED OF ROSES“ which I have learnt from ‘ Roses In December’! The success mantra is do your duty Honestly, Diligently & Sincerely!

        Jai Hind!

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