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HRF of India

About me

  Member Since : 16 June 2010  (Ahmedabad )

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We are an Non- Government organization working for the for awareness of Human Rights along with many other social activity related to women up liftment, child welfare, services to old age homes, Social Justice & Empowerment etc. We are serving nation since 1999 and this year we are completing 10th year.


Objective – To be an Social helping hand and an Organization for the ignored, disregarded, over- looked, victimised, oppressed, depressed, tortured people of the Society and it cultivates awareness in them with regard to their RIGHTS. To work as a “Police Associates”  for Entire Nation.


Mission- To enlighten and strengthen “Human Rights” in the Nation.



Our Work Area


·     HRF is an very informative secured Human Rights NGO. It time to time collects problems, complaints and grievances of the sufferers as also anti-social, anti-Governmental activities and places them in front of prevailing Government, Administration, Police and Court, Simultaneously, HRF works generously without any selfishness for the welfare of the Society with a broad mind and a Big Heart that made HRF a generous and reputed Organization.

·     HRF is an intrepid, fearless, impartial, neutral and independent Organization that pens against Crime, Corruption in Society, against anti Nationalism in human activities.

·     HRF is creating a favorable atmosphere of Art, Culture, Literature, Amiability and Assistance.

·     HRF has been amalgamating, integrating and unifying the Intellectuals, Youths, Students, Ladies, Businessmen, Authors, Laureates, Poets, Writers, Social Workers into a single unit for the protection of Human Rights and a favorable environment.

·     HRF is endeavoring to open Residential Secular Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Old-Age-Homes in all parts of the Country to enhance the Government's initiative in these sectors.

·     HRF shall fight against communalism and terrorism and determined for establishing the atmosphere of peace.

·     HRF shall arrange to provide Scholarship and Hostels for intelligent and meritorious students of economically weaker section.

·     HRF has been organizing different Meetings, Seminars, Conventions, Assemblies, Conferences, Cultural Programmes, Youth Camps, and Judiciary Camps since inception for the protection of Human Rights and for Hospitable Environment.

·     HRF conform to all the articles declared by the United Nation conventions on the Human Rights.

·     HRF supports the N.G.Os that work for Human Rights globally.

·     HRF is prepared to provide all possible assistance for rehabilitation of Socially, Economically, and Psychologically Depressed and Victimized People.

·     HRF is a Powerful Detective Network that renders vital secrets information to Investigating Bureaus and to Security Wings.

·     HRF with the strength of the Court and Media brings improvement and creates awareness in the minds of the Governed and the Governing.

·     HRF is an exploring, explosive and investigating body that reveals and exposes the fact of the Government Ignored-ones



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  Member Stats
  • Total Points: 28
  • Profile Visits: 555