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CA VK Dwivedi

About me

  Member Since : 05 March 2008  (Pune )

CA and puruing LLB as i have interest in learning Laws in India that too criminal laws. Idea is to learn and impart/ spread among the common people inthe society those are not familiar with the Gamut of Judicial Proceedgins.

There is story behind how the interest of Law germinated in me. I did my CA trainning (Articleship) where i used to carry out Insurance survey and did some invetigations where i hadto refer IPC. there was a case where the Insurace claim was rejected by our frim as a surveyor and loss assessor on a minor difference of the term Dacoity and theft. We referred IPC to get the definition. The policy was for Theft whereas the owenr of the factory in his statement to the policy unknowingly said some unidentified 7-6 people forcefully gained access to the cash we interpreted it as Dacoity and not theft. exactly i do not remember the case as it is as old as 13-14 yrs. But i started learning law.

I learn and impart the nitigrity and intricacies to the people. As is studied various lawas in CA so it helped me to interpret and understand how the law is made.


Vikash Dwivedi

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