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Feroz A. Shaikh

About me

  Member Since : 12 August 2008  (Mumbai)

I am Advocate Feroz Shaikh from Mumbai, having 16 years experience in criminal defenses, civil trials, international litigation & famiy law. I am also willing to provide free consultancy to those caught up in legal embroglio for no fault of theirs as it happens in may false and fabricated FIR's being lodged just to harass husband and pressurize his family. I may be personally contacted on 9892198673, after 7 p.m.

Please also visit my website: It is an initiative taken by me as a lawyer for helping those who do not know law and for those who are caught up in criminal tug-of war for none of their fault.




Ÿ  Drafting complaints, examination, cross examination, arguments, and preparing defense.

Ÿ  Cases under EoW (Economic Offences Wing), involving white-collar crimes.

Ÿ  Handled litigation pertaining to Maharashtra Rent control Act.

Ÿ  Drafting and registration of deed of conveyance, transfer of property, gifts, wills etc.

Ÿ  Verification of title deed and title searches of property.

Ÿ  Handled cases related to Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act.

Ÿ  Represented BMC related cases related to building repairs.


Drafting & Documentation:

Ÿ  Drafting of legal documents for submission, preparing written arguments to be submitted in Courts,

Ÿ  Contract drafting as per Indian Contract Act, 1872, agreements, memorandums’, transfer of property act, Indian Partnerships acts and Consumer protection act.


Constitutional Cases:

Ÿ  Represented and appeared in cases related to violation of Human Rights in Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission and Bombay High Court.

Ÿ  Represented Non-Government Organization (NGO) in various social related issues/cases.

Ÿ  Drafting, appeals and representing PIL (Public Interest Litigation) cases in Bombay High Court.


Criminal Cases:

Ÿ  Defended key cases under Preventive Detention: MPDA Act 1981(Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Slumlords and Bootleggers Act) and COFEPOSA Act 1974 (The Conservation Of Foreign Exchange And Prevention Of Smuggling Activities Act), and NSA (National Security Act, 1980), PBM Act 1980 (Prevention of Black Marketing Act)  in various High Court Tribunals

Ÿ  Drafted and defended cases against Externment and Arms and Licenses Act.


Family Court:

Ÿ  Handled family court matters relating to divorce, maintenance and mutual settlements under various personal laws in Bandra Family Court, and appeals in cases in Bombay High Court from Appellate side.


Social Acts:

Ÿ Filed various applications for securing public information under RTI Act, 2005(Right to  Information Act, 2005).

Ÿ  Represented Consumer court cases.

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