George Bernard Shaw said, Ordinary people adapt themselves to the world. The extra-ordinary persons try to adapt the world to them. Hence the progress and development of the world is through extra-ordinary people. ..
Incidents of wild animals straying out of their natural habitats attacking human beings and causing destructions to properties have become too frequent. ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking and Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT and SARFAESI Act cases. H.R. Trainer: Corporate, Colleges and Schools, 8, Morya Gardens, Behind Karnataka Vidhya Niketan, Kanadia Road, Indore.452016 (M.P.) E-mail: trrk1941@gm ..
Many instances have been reported that the Authorised Officer and the Presiding Officer of DRT rejecting the claim for loss and damages or counter claims by the borrowers under SARFAESI ACT. ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking & Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT & SARFAESI CASES, H.R.Trainer; Corporates, Colleges & Schools, 17, Morya Gardens, Kanadia Road, Behind Karnataka Vidya Niketan, Indore. 452016. Madhya Pradesh Mobile ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking & Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT & SARFAESI CASES, H.R.Trainer; Corporates, Colleges & Schools, 17, Morya Gardens, Kanadia Road, Behind Karnataka Vidya Niketan, Indore. 452016. Madhya Pradesh Mobile ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking & Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT & SARFAESI CASES, H.R.Trainer; Corporates, Colleges & Schools, 17, Morya Gardens, Kanadia Road, Behind Karnataka Vidya Niketan, Indore. 452016. Madhya Pradesh Mobile ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking & Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT & SARFAESI CASES, H.R.Trainer; Corporates, Colleges & Schools, 17, Morya Gardens, Kanadia Road, Behind Karnataka Vidya Niketan, Indore. 452016. Madhya Pradesh Mobile ..
T.R.Radhakrishnan, Banking & Management Consultant, Facilitator: DRT & SARFAESI CASES, H.R.Trainer; Corporates, Colleges & Schools, 17, Morya Gardens, Kanadia Road, Behind Karnataka Vidya Niketan, Indore. 452016. Madhya Pradesh Mobile ..
The concept of Social control in the field of banking sector was introduced by the Government of India for the first time in 1967 and with that in view, the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 was amended. ..