Introduction In India many people do overtime jobs to earn more than the normal wage for the well being of them and their family. Overtime basically means when a worker works more than the assigned working hours and receives extra remuneration for wo ..
In ancient times Defamation was governed under Gautam Dharma Sutra in India which explained that when a shudra abuses a person of a twice born cast, he will be punished. Defamation also has its origins from Ancient Rome, England and Germany. ..
During ancient era the balance in the sense of gender biased conductivity was maintained very keenly but equality within them wasn't the necessary question can be raised back then. ..
In classical Hindu law the maintenance is the compulsory duty to be maintained by a Hindu for them who are dependable upon him also including the women member of the joint family. ..
Mutual divorce is the way or the process where parties to the marriage decides to end their marriage amicably ..
From pristine times dowry death or cruelty or harassment against women (daughter-in-law) have addressed us with the inequality of society, which led us to an unimaginable backlash. ..
A very commonly heard phrase from the Criminal Courts is “Bail is the rule and Jail is the exception”. What’s more common is the conditions imposed with the bail orders, in order to make sure that investigation is not hampered, and ..
For anyone who is aware of the reality of more marriages coming to an end, they know the reality of matrimonial cases. While the numbers of divorces are roaring, it is seen that matters take years and years, while parties waste some crucial moments o ..
Where there is a legal right, there is a legal remedy, and you need knowledge of law to claim that remedy. A person may appear in-person or hire a lawyer for representation during the Court proceedings. It is always advisable to have an experienced a ..
While legal remedies are available in the Indian Legal System pertaining to Civil and Criminal matters, the law also specifies the timeline within which, the remedies could be availed by the litigants. The provision for cheque bounce under Section 13 ..