Prabuddha Ganguli CEO Vision-Ipr The Indian Patent Act is on the verge of another long awaited welcome track change to ensure enhanced protection of inventions by the scrapping of Sectio ..
Can Buy Back of shares be made by a Scheme of Arrangement?G. P. SahiPublished on 2005-06-24IntroductionSection 77A was introduced by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999, pursuant to the report of the working group which was set up to suggest reforms ..
Close patent loopholes Patents Need LegalSupportArticleTHEgroup of ministers (GoM) on patents is in favour of : retaining the pre-grantopposition provision in the patents Act. This will prelude grant of badpatents. but safeguards are needed to ensure ..
DEED OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP(Involving immovable property)THIS DEED OF DISSOLUTION Is made at ... this day ... between Mr. A residing at ... hereinafter referred to as 'the Party of the First Part' and Mr. 'B' residing at ... hereinafter referr ..
Applicability of Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 on Issuing of Cheques as a Security or for Future Liability. Money or paper currency was developed as an alternative to the barter system as medium of exchange. However, with the growth ..
SELF HELP THROUGH CONSUMER PROTECTION Dr. Sheetal Kapoor**“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work - he is the purpose of it. We are not doing ..
Settlement deed made simple The execution of Will has its own hassles in identifying a reliable person to be the executor and involves expense, writes C.H.Gopinatha Rao Better Alterantive: Settlement is less expensive than will Photo: H. Satish Imagi ..
The process of population explosion, heavy industrialization, and growing urbanization has succeeded in creating acute problems and many legislations have come to rescue. But have they? Let's find out in this one-stop article by a legal expert ..
MaintenanceIn India, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act provides for claiming maintenance under certain circumstances.Maintenance in simple words means sustenance. In order to maintain the flow of life a person ne ..
Contract Labour Law in India - An OverviewG. P. SahiPublished on 7th November 2004Introduction:The main objective of the Contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,1970 was to abolish the system of contract labour wherever possible and practicable, ..