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Ganesh   27 March 2016

Company is not paying salary


I am working in a Pvt. Ltd company. The company is starting just 1.5 year before and i am working with that company since starting. Company owner not paying salary on time, they paid salary in a gap of 2-3 months.

I asked company to pay my salary, so they told me just trust us we definitely pay your complete salary. 

But the issue is last 4 month he is not responding properly many time he didn't pick the call just drop message to me that he will call me and he is arranging fund .

I put my resignation but he didn't accept it and saying you can't do this I will solve entire problem just trust me.

My total pending salary is more than 8.38 Lac ,

I told him that I am going to lodge a Fir against him and his partners, but again he is saying don't talk like this I will clear all due.

Please suggest me.  


 3 Replies

saravanan s (legal advisor)     28 March 2016

Send the company a legal notice to settle your pending salary within a specific timeframe failing which you will move to the labour court


Police station don't have jurdisction , It is labour law /labour Court matter. Consult adv. who practice in labour court or take labour law cases , he will guide you properly 


Kumar Doab (FIN)     31 March 2016

Do you have acknowledgment of having submitted notice/resignation?

Did you mention the reason of non payment of promised earned wages in notice/resignation? You should have.

Do you have confirmed copy of messages (posted by you as sent by employer)  sent by him?

Try u/s 406,420.

YOu have a big amount at stake and outstanding in increasing.


It shall be futile to continue if even part payment is not made.

Apply your skills to exert influence and get your dues.

Or approahc ana ble counsel specializing in labor-service matters with copies of all employment related docs and understand the forums where you can agitate,merits and options.



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