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Syed Chennai (student)     02 May 2013

Degrading my job profile


I am a 2013 batch passout, from a premier business school. I was selected on third day of my campus week in november 2012 in a company as 'ZZZ'. I joined the company on april, 2013. Now they are saying that the mentioned profile is not available, and that they would allot a non-management role which has less scope. They are also planning to reduce my salary package. Now I am in deep distress. If they have informed me earlier, that the profile is not available, I would have got another job in my campus placements, but they waited until my college got over, and are saying it now. It has led to a huge loss(opportunity cost, salary package) for me. What legal actions can be taken?


 3 Replies

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     02 May 2013

try for another suitable job and with better prospects as the other company may some other day say that they cannot offer more salary 

Syed Chennai (student)     02 May 2013

@Mahesh sir, Its not only about salary or finding another job. Finidng another job is easy, I am asking, if there is any legal action that can be taken. The job profile has been moved to a lower level, which has no connection to what was offered. Also the salary for this new profile will be half than the one offered. And this did not happen after 2 or 3 months. They already know that the profile was not available, then why they asked me to join, and did all the formalities like opening of PF account. Emotionally speaking, I have informed everyone about the job, an I also have to pay my education loan.

Anjuru Chandra Sekhar (Advocate )     03 May 2013

You can file a suit for damages in civil court and claim compensation.  And also for an interim mandatory injunction to appoint you in the same job that they had taken you for.

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