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Old stamp paper - valid or not ??

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 06 July 2023 This query is : Resolved 
A got a stamp paper of year 2018 which was taken in the name of B and it was signed by B in blank. A got the blank stamp paper duly signed by B somehow and typed in that B gave all her properties in the name of A. Signature of B is original on stamp paper but the content typed on stamp paper is few days back. Will the stamp paper is valid and can A sue against B on the basis of that stamp paper ? Experts pl tell.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 07 July 2023
Whether A or B prepared the document but B signed on the stamp paper, hence it is valid. If B proves that the document was typed without his knowledge by taking his signature with a mollified intention
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 08 July 2023
This appears to be unregistered document for the transaction of an immovable property.
However the unregistered document a cannot be enforced in the court of law.
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 08 July 2023
The document is valid. In it, B states that his/her property is transferred to A.

But no transfer will happen unless B reaches the registration office and register the document before the Sub Registrar.

So, A cannot be proceeded with any criminal case for typing the content as a sign on a blank paper means he/she willfully endorses whatever is written in that paper.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 16 July 2023
Is this a query or riddle?

If a query, please enlighten us of the locus standi of the queriest and also, the particulars as to the property.

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