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Related to education loan

(Querist) 09 February 2019 This query is : Resolved 
I took education loan of 2 lakh in 2012 for pursuing and I timely paid my interest during my education tenure but in the last year of my course ie 2016 I realized some problem in my mind and on the following checkup I knew that I have been suffering from "CANCEROUS BRAIN TUMOR" and I take treatment of AIIMS NEW DELHI at the present time due to costliest medicine and checkup it is difficult for me to pay monthly EMI and my family economy condition is not good they can only manage for my medicines but bank said to me that they would take legal action against me so at present I am in very dangerous situation whether I will take treatment for my disease or I will pay loan.
Sir, Please help me can there any law for person like me to obtain time to pay loan till become well or waiver of loan for such person through government.
Kishor Mehta (Expert) 10 February 2019
Law will not be helpful in your case. You may request the Bankers on compassionate grounds to help, Alternatively you may approach a charitable organisation.
Deependra Singh (Querist) 10 February 2019
Thanku Sir, for your valuable suggestion .I submit all reports of treatment to bank but bank is not willing to give compassionate and sir I don't know which charitable organization help me
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 11 February 2019
Approach some NGO to take you out of the loan, no law exist to get your loan waived.
Guest (Expert) 11 February 2019
Mr.Vashista could you please explain how an NGO would be involved in Bank Education Loan Please
Guest (Expert) 11 February 2019
Along with your Medical Evidence you could file an Insolvency suit provided you do not have any assets. Discuss with an Local Advocate.
Deependra Singh (Querist) 11 February 2019
Sir I have full medical evidence from kanpur treatment to AIIMS New Delhi ongoing treatment but I don't understand insolvency suit please explain Sir.
Guest (Expert) 12 February 2019
Insolvency is a legal term describing the position of a debtor when he is not able to repay his/her debts.

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