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Traffic offence

(Querist) 19 March 2012 This query is : Resolved 
i need a lawyer for traffic offence who is honest, really loves his country & justice more than his profession.can someone suggest a name?
A V Vishal (Expert) 19 March 2012
The details in your query is insufficient.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 19 March 2012
All lawyers except a few stand qualified at your requirement so now decide whom to engage.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 19 March 2012
Dear Querist
you can contact to me
nikhil (Querist) 20 March 2012
thanks to all of you for your replies. @V R SHROFF i simoly asked a honest question & didn't mean any disrespect.believe it or not i never paid to any traffic police & i we both know no helmet,no sealtbelt,no driver license/insurance/pollution etc are all unconstitunal traffic challan,yet you accuse me of being dishonest. @A.V Vishal & @ raj kumar makkad @@Nadeem Qureshi my hard earned money goes to feed the system which then beat up innocent men & women/children who did nothing wrong like in ramlila maidan. i want to folllow M.K GANDHIJI path of non agression/non violent path of civil disobedience.if the system turn out to be dictator stop feeding the system.
nikhil (Querist) 20 March 2012
Beautiful response admired it. What we are talking about here is one aspect of life i.e profession not the sum total.your response is geared towards fully awared being in which you missed an important point.let me tell you an example an enlightened master gave his 3 disciples 1 pigeon each & told them you have to kill the pigeon where no one is watching. all of them went different direction 2 of them came back after 15 days & told master we find an isolated place ( like you said Himalayas) and did it. 3rd disciples came back after 5 years with pigeon in his hands & told master he couldn’t do it because it doesn’t matter how isolated the place & even if I covered the eyes of pigeon. It is “I” who is always there watching & this is the crux of life.
You are right “"A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first" –Chankya but I never talked about idealism in life only honesty in profession. I believe there are honest lawyers out there i.e why I asked the question otherwise what’s the point?
Where did you the get the notion that I wanted to be M.K GANDHI? Gandhiji knows a universal law “you become what you fight against”. Viruses you talked about I agree but please tell me how much politicians are responsible for that.
You deliberately avoided my question of unconstitunal traffic challans. Let’s see I get a traffic ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.i don’t pay on spot & contest it. File a motion to dismiss there is no valid cause of action & lack of subject matter jurisdiction.what will be your response?

V R SHROFF (Expert) 22 March 2012
Traffic police if fine, for not wearing safety belt, or even object, and take something that u pinch, it is good for you. I saved my life, only due to safety belt, in a fast car, once met with accident.
I personally wear it, though many do not.

I noted, Traffic Police do not claim false.
Only if one violate traffic rules.
nikhil (Querist) 22 March 2012
yes wearing seatbelt is good but it should be voluntarly nobody should be forced to & extract money out of it. as far as on issue of standing it's a gone case for state.

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