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Last hearing is pending but advocate does not show the docs.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 20 November 2017 This query is : Resolved 
in a divorce case when last hearing is pending in court we ask form our lawyer to show the papers which is going to submit in relating to our case. but he refuse to show the papers.
we does not have any papers but we want to check what is the claims in the paper.
please guide me what is remedy available to us.
Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 20 November 2017
You change your advocate if he's not sharing the case file with you.
Apply for complete case file certified copy including all relevant documents attached therein from the court.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 20 November 2017
AQ... so No reply...............
Kumar Doab (Expert) 20 November 2017
Pls post with your ID and you can get many replies............
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 20 November 2017
there is always a procedure to be adopted in a court of law while pursuing a legal remedy. certainly its there in your case too. I don't know the actual facts and circumstances of your case so giving a precise advice on the matter won't be a good option. Please keep in mind that its not merely a matter of showing some document to a court, the same is required to be proved in a particular manner.

Better have a clear talk with your counsel on this. Your personal opinion qua a particular document may not be legally sustainable. Otherwise you may consult some other lawyer also for clarification.

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