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Hindu Gains of Learning Act,1930

Act No : 30

Section : Short title and extent.

THE HINDU GAINS OF LEARNING ACT, 1930ACT No. 30 OF 1930[25th July, 1930.]An Act to remove doubt as to the rights of a member of a Hinduundivided family in property acquired by him by means of his learning.WHEREAS it is expedient to remove doubt, and to provide an uni-form rule, as to the rights of a member of a Hindu undivided family inproperty acquired by him by means of his learning; It is herebyenacted as follows :- 1.Short title and extent.-(1) This Act may be called the HinduGains of Learning Act, 1930. (2) It extends to the whole of India 1*[except the State of Jammuand Kashmir].

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