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Tyson_Kai   16 September 2015

Forced resignation/ termination

Dear All,

I am currently working as a software engineer in a service based company (ABCD Tech). I joined the company in August 2014 as a fresher(0  year experience). At the time of joining the company, I was asked to  sign a bond(of INR Rs 150000/-), with the bond period being 18 months.  For the first 18 months, I am on 'Probation'. I was given on-the-job-training, as I was routed to a project in the first week  of joining itself. Thereafter, things were awesome. I was given the Developer  profile. Theoretically(according to the company) my training period  ended in the last week of November 2014. Then all of a sudden, my  manager was given a separate load of a new project in December 1st  week, 2014. She kept me back in the old project. The old project ended its contract with my company. Then in February  2015(first week), she moved to the new project. Soon her attitude changed. On several occasions, my manager harassed me publicly for no reason. Moreover, she declined providing me knowledge transfers(application overviews, code walk through, project training)  for the new project. So at a time when things were all good till January, everything changed suddenly. It was not just with me, there were other  people too. She could be found screaming on anyone everyday. I(and  others) were working for 10+ hours on a regular basis and yet she  expected us to work beyond that. Though we were not paid for over time  and were asked to fill only 9 hours in the Time Sheet. On one incident,I  refused working till 11pm (after having worked till 9:30pm)which  probably hurt her. Thereafter, she distanced herself from me and  eventually refrained from assigning me any work. Being bound by company policies, she could not release me either. She stopped talking to me! After over 1 month of  the situation of no-work, I went to the HR and asked her to intervene.  But the HR could not help me out much. The manager gave me work for the first 1 week thereafter. But soon things got back to the same track meaning she stopped giving me work. All she could do was not to talk to me. So after 1.5 months of the  unchanged attitude of the manager and her not assigning me work, in May  last week, I eventually asked for a release from the project and requested me  to find me another project OR send me to Bench. But the company has a  policy that it has to keep the freshers in the project for the first 15  months after their initial 3 months of training months. Before that, they cannot put freshers on Bench. So, it took them  over over almost 2 months to transfer me to a different project. That  project comes under the same General Manager and same Delivery Unit(DU)  as that of the previous project; so it was essentially a re-adjustment  within the same DU, a common practice in my company. Both the project  managers share the same managers; both the projects run in the same work area  as well and but naturally, both the project managers have been friends been working together for a long time. Now in August 2015, as soon as we completed one year in the  company, the GM and the project manager started forcing me to join  different projects. They basically went down on a ramp-down spree,  re-adjusted several freshers. Changed the DU of a couple of freshers. I  was twice being forced to join a Support Project and I declined the  change of projects both the times, because those projects did not match  my skill sets and I did not found them fulfilling from the prospect of  my career. Also as per the company policies, Support profile engineers are paid lesser salaries as compared to the Developer profile engineers. Now at the time of signing the bond(at the time of joining  the company), I had agreed to work on any role and any project(because  it was there in the bond agreement papers and I had to sign them to join  the company. I trusted them that they would map me to the role according to my skill sets but they were failing to do so). But since I had rejected the transfers, so the HR is  FORCING me to resign. For me being shed off from the project, they are  NOW saying that there are performance issues which is absolutely a lie. And  even if that is true, then the project manager never communicated that to me. I had been sincerely working and it looked absolutely fine. The HR is saying  that since I had declined those projects and as a fresher I am not  allowed to decline. And 'just because' I had refused to join the  project, so I am now bound to be terminated. As of today, another 5  months remains before the completion of my bond period. Now the thing  is:

a) I never had a discussion over my performance with my project managers.
b) My current manager refused to answer my questions(in front of the HR) when asked where all my performance lacked.
c) I was never put under any sort of Performance Improvement Plan.
d) As per the policy, I need to complete 15 months with  the same project, before any new project could absorb me. And add to it,  due to the my HR issues, it is not really possible that I could be  absorbed by any other project. Though rules are often been bent but every time I ask for a new project, I get the same response which states this above said policy.

So last week, my HR forced me to  resign-by-will or threatened to terminate me. In the former case,  my HR said that I would be paid 3 months basic pay(which amounts to 1/5th of my actual monthly salary)and my bond would be  waved off. In the later case, she threatened me that I would have to pay  the bond money. And I would not be provided my experience letter until I  have paid the bond amount. She also stated that in the later case, she  would black-list me and I would not be able to join the company in the  future.

She stood over my head to write an email which mentioned that  I would either find myself a project by Monday or else the HR action  would be initiated. Anyhow, I got the deadline extended by the end of  this week, i.e, this Friday.

Now my questions are:
1) What should I do in this case? Which of the two options should I choose?
2) Are bond legal in India?
3) Are these bonds one-sided or two-sided?
4) What all legal options are available at my disposal?
5) What is the midway solution to my crisis?

I understand that the issue is quite a complicated one. It is something which I never expected to happen. Initially they were forcing me to join the support projects and now they are forcing me to resign. The HR also went onto state that he would not give me my Experience Letter(EL) until and unless I willfully resign. And all I get in response is that the company reserves the sole discretion to extend/terminate the employee's contract. I am also not being allowed to serve the notice period which is of 3 months.


 8 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     16 September 2015

Did you record (audio/visual/witnessed/minuted) all threats etc that you have posted?

You have the option to minute now also.

Such HR personnel/Line Managers have tendency to threat now and then.

However you may sit with Employee’s union of your trade……………….and there are many unions now/Trade Unions leaders  e.g. CITU/INTUC/AITUC/BMS etc and draft your representations in consultation with them and/or elders of the family, able labor Law Consultant/Service Matters  Lawyer/Law Firm and submit to good offices of appointing authority,MD,Chairman…………………….


If you have facts,evidence, with you then you can succeed.


Whatever they may say,………………… may submit notice of resignation with full notice period mentioned in it. Your counsels may advise that in such case the resignation can not be accepted before expiry of notice period……………………and that you may mention the reason of resignation in notice and transfer the onus on company.


Are you a member of employee’s/Trade Unions and have you consulted an able labor Law Consultant/Service Matters  Lawyer/Law Firm?

1 Like

Tyson_Kai   16 September 2015

Hi Kumar Doab, thanks a lot for your reply. Well, as of now, nothing has been recorded. I was called in for the meeting by the HR and I had no idea that the HR had such an agenda in her mind for the meeting. Secondly, I don't think that my organization has any such employee/trade union. It's a private limited company, a software firm, and I doubt any such union possibly could exist. But I may be short on knowledge on this aspect. So I need to check on this?

For most of the facts I have stated above, I have evidences; but for some, I probably have no proof; no audio/video recordings. I have seriously got a precious advice with your reply, so thanks a ton for it.

Also, I am willing to know the legality of such bonds in India. And are these bonds one sided or two sided? What all laws protect me?

Plus, I have not contacted any lawyer/ Law firm/ Law consultant so far. But if someone could help on this, I would readily like to contact them and seek his/their help in this matter.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 September 2015

There are IT/ITeS employees unions and have been embraced by trade unions also.

The Bond is signed by your by your free will.

The Bond is created in lieu of what extyar ordinary favor by company?

Or the company asked you to feel obliged since job is being offered and asked to sign the Bond?

The NSR/NASSCHOM has given in writing to IT/ITeS employees union that it does not indulge in blacklisting. Moreover such an act shall amount to illegality and employee can slap crminal cases of defamation, discriminatory retaliation.


You may spend quality time with an able Labor Law Consultant/Service Matters Lawyer/Law firm, Employee’s Unions/Trade Unions leaders and proceed further under their expert guidance.


gautham   21 September 2015

I am an employee from IT industry working as HR executive. Recently i was fired from my company saying i was demanding money from some freshers to recruit them into company. But, i didn't do that. After some investigation, my branch Incharge and my HR came to know that i was not the culprit and, some one are doing this using my name and our HR informed the same to senior management. but, management refused to listen their words and forced me to submit my resignation. I lost my job now. Senior management didn't even prove that i did any mistake but they fired me without giving proper explanation. Please Help me with this. How can i take legal actions against them?


gautham   21 September 2015

I am an employee from IT industry working as HR executive. Recently i was fired from my company saying i was demanding money from some freshers to recruit them into company. But, i didn't do that. After some investigation, my branch Incharge and my HR came to know that i was not the culprit and, some one are doing this using my name and our HR informed the same to senior management. but, management refused to listen their words and forced me to submit my resignation. I lost my job now. Senior management didn't even prove that i did any mistake but they fired me without giving proper explanation. Please Help me with this. How can i take legal actions against them?

Thanks in advance.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 September 2015


Approach employees/trade union leaders ,Labor Law Consultant and take their help.


You counsels may opine to:

1. Take copies of finding of inquiry of BM/HR and report submitted to HO. OR record (audio/visual/minuted/witnessed) that you were not involved.


2. If resignation was extarcted by force and has not been accepted, withdraw it after declaring it as forced resignation...................


3. Demand to take you back in employment and allow to examine your personnel file and erase all false charges from record..................




Kumar Doab (FIN)     21 September 2015

Query Repeated at:

gautham   21 September 2015

Thankyou very much for your advice sir.  All the discussions were happened between my HR, Manager and some people(victims). Knowing my behaviuor from my past experience and those  people also said that they didn't contact  me directly, they have contacted some one else, with this HR came to know that i am not included in this mistake and i don't think they will have any audio/video tapes. Even my HR is saying that CEO and VP are not listening to us, you submit resignation, we will give you reference for any other company and we will definitely help you in BG verification and the most important thing is they are saying that IF they caught the real culprit they will bring me on-Board. I said i am not interested if you are not trusting me now and i submitted my resignation with no choice. I dont know whether they will give my month salary or not. I am worried.

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