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Kaushik Sharma   23 July 2023

Wrong credit to an account with lein amount

I have made a wrong credit to an account with lein amount.  The credit I had made is less than the lein amount (locked amount). I know the person to whom I have made the credit. His account is frozen due to legal matter involving a police complaint. I have informed the bank within 2 hours of making the transaction. The only thing they have done is marking a mail a to their UPI department asking to put hold on the account to which the amount has transferred. I want to know can I get my money back or will they be using to settling the unpaid debts. Please help in how to proceed further, as this being a unconventional case, can't find any help on any forums or knowns.


 4 Replies

Mr. Sumitra kumar (Advocate)     23 July 2023



You already have asked this question on this forum though the wordings were different. Don't waste other's and your time as well.


Thank you.

Kaushik Sharma   23 July 2023

Ok, if that's the case. Can you please share the link of the question that I have asked earlier. Because I for one cannot see any other questions in my profile and would be helpful to know if there any responses to the earlier question

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     23 July 2023

Since the receipient account has been freezed  by bank for the obvious reasons, you may not be able to get your money beck  before the account gets unfreezed.

Kaushik Sharma   24 July 2023

Okay, so for example I had sent 70,000 and the lean amount is 1,00,000. So will they be using the wrong  credit made by me to settle the amount in the lean account or they can't do that. If they can't do that, will I be getting my money back whenever the lean on account expires or the account becomes inoperative ?

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