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Wife tried to murder her justice husband - arrested u/s 307

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     08 December 2010

" I think When someone walk out your life, let them." - MR. KUSHAN.




Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     09 December 2010

Originally posted by :Arup
Name of the justice – Justice. K.P. Vadoria.

Wife – Ms. Manju.

Place of occurrence – Korba.

Date – 5th December 2010 (Sunday).

Facts in Brief – J. Vadoria posted at Korba. His wife throws petrol on him and tried to set him fire. He ran away from the backdoor of his residence and reached to the nearest police station Rampur, there he lodged his complaint against his wife. Rampur police arrested her and lodged a case under section 307 of IPC.

Wife tried to set fire her justice husband and arrested there after.


It is unbelieable story,  as a lone woman can not overpower a man, judge may be preparing ground against his wife,.

u have not posted the source of the information, has it apeared in any newspaper or news channel?

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     09 December 2010


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     11 December 2010

Now the cat came out from the bag, after the witness of the children of the justice - before media. Smt Manju released on bail. After coming back, she along with media met the children. According to one child (8 years), Justice (the father) bring out petrol from the scooter and throw it on their mother (Ms Manju). The other child (5 years), told before the media that the mother throw petrol on the father. Contradictory statements & allegations are there between husband and wife.

hedevil hydraheaded (non professional )     11 December 2010

The Cat is not yet out of the bag...the cat is confused now and possibly thinking it is better to stay in the bag itself...

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     12 December 2010

yes confusion & hestiness  is there.

it is as usal. nothing new.

Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     13 December 2010



Its really demoralizing to have such biased and concocted comments by a Consultant. I think you should atleast have courtesy to the one who went through agony. I think had it been a girl who would have filed such a case, this would have been HEADLINES of the daily newspaper. Alas!




Nice thoughts about equillibrium however it would have been wonderful if the acts of violence would not have been dipicted by you. It's shameful on the part of a man to coerce a woman however if such incidences are in ruitine today then it is highly undesirable that woman also takes the same route to make the situation as bad as hell. Let's bring equillibrium with peace and harmony. Violence in any form by any gender is condemned.





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Renuka Gupta ( Gender Researcher )     13 December 2010

Agree with Saurabh, that violence in any form from any gender should be condemned. There is no point in returning violence with violence when legal options exist to come out of the violent relationships. Peace and harmony can only save homes from  turning  into heart break homes and give a child a secure family life. It is highly required that we and our children learn the value and skills of conflict resolution in a peaceful manner than by wreaking revenge on one another.

However, wasn't it a  sarcastic comment  from you, Utpla,  when you were depicting the "scenario?"At least this is how I understood it....

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Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     13 December 2010



Well said


When marriage is a sacrament and our laws have been derived from our vedas then why both the man and the woman not deemed under the obligation as per the dictum of the vedas? The violating person should be punished not for the reason he/she has done it against a person but because this amounts to hurting the sentiments of the others in the society and also he/she has brought disgrace to the vedas.

Judges are under an obligation to bring the case to justice however, when such incidence of domestic violence happens inside four walls which no one else could explain, I feel sympathy with the victim that they are mostly left unheard. The situation of innocent is same may that be a woman in the form of victim or a man who is falsely implicated.


An imbroglio surrounds my mind when such cases comes to the surface. Why such couples before tying the nuptial knot, do not undergo some counselling or atleast give time to realise if they fit into each other or not. Coersion starts from the day one when such couples are forces into martimony and they dislike each other by each other's face itself. When our society is in a stage of transition from orthodox to liberal, the stage in which we live is a hybrid. This creates the most volatile situation in the society where liberalists clash with conservatives. Only statute or the think-tanks in the higher judiciary could bring equillibruim to such incidences. Police on the other hand in 100% of such cases only for their ulterior motives force the complainant to exhaggerate the complaint. That bring the end to the matrimonial life. The complainant in the plaint should put forth truth and nothing else. And as the judges are duty bound for an attempt of reconcilliation, I feel the cases of breakdown of marriage and divorce etc would come down to 50% of the strength today.




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yes...mine was a sarcastic comment.. .


.... It's shameful on the part of a man to coerce a woman however if such incidences are in ruitine today then it is highly undesirable that woman also takes the same route to make the situation as bad as hell. Let's bring equillibrium with peace and harmony. Violence in any form by any gender is condemned....

It's true. But do you think, is Law really helping women in getting justice though there are several remedies for woman like SEC 498A and the DV Act?These laws in fact sounds like an empty vessel.They harass the male party for few days, but ultimately everything is managed and the cases appear to be a fake one.

There are many educated male in the society who think women should keep silence in every wrong done with them because they are INDIAN Women. If law can't give justice to women how equilibrium will be set?

The root cause of creation of above male harassing Laws are man itself..

If women start committing crimes like men then society will surely be a jungle and we all will have to follow jungle raj then...

Saurabh, you also admit this, that's why you wrote the above para....Isn't it??

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Saurabh..V (Law Consultant)     13 December 2010



I find no reason why in one after the other post you are blatantly writing regarding the atrocities upon woman. You are trying to mix oil with water despite of the known fact that oil would float.


 Several (not all) women dump away their part of obligations as dipicted in the vedas however same vedas are called for help by them when it comes for men to mainain their wives after divorce. Do you have any reasonable explanation for such obligation on the man other than being a dictum of vedas?


It's expedient to note that women have been protected under these so called empty vessels of law, where every family court in delhi cater about 70-80 cases. Out of this bunch, roughly about 50%-60% are found to be exaggerated, concocted and mala fide on the first date of hearing due to several reasons legal by the judges. In most of the cases the presiding officer is a lady judge.



I have never come across a single 'femenist' who plead against the biased law of Adultery (497IPC) where the woman cannot be held guilty even as a abettor? Any reasonable response to this??




A reply to any post should be relevant to the topic and should be in consonance with the need of the aggrieved. Any exaggeration of any sort for any reason and dragging the post unwarrantedly into "Men v/s Women" be avoided.





its comes   

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Sec 497 is NOT RELEVANT here. But I want to say there should be strong law to prevent adultery irrespective of gender or marital status.Because we have seen many unmarried college girls(not all) who are away from home for studies keeping relations with married man for money .New laws should be enacted such that  they think twice in doing these things ...

I just replied according to your comment Saurabh.

Picture of Delhi doesn't reflect whole India.

I did not get your line.........."You are trying to mix oil with water despite of the known fact that oil would float."

I think it is not a matter of water and oil...It is a matter  of water from two different source.

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You have to realise that you are  arguing with woman activist for whom


1. Society is doing enumerable atrocities to woman.


2. Any action from man is termed as torture and of couse woman are sufferer.


3. For them false case of 498a  is not a attrocities.


4. All  law is against them -- all law end up serving men.


5. They want that all  men should be hanged  on the first complaint  from woman.


6. They will always start  accusing all men-- like men have been doing... but if sililar looking statement are written for woman  .. that is generalization for them.


9. They don't pay attention to the topic -- in all threads, irrespective of the topic, they want to do their rona dhona.  -- After all they are believer of ... that if you repeat wrong things enough number of times.. it starts appearing as truth.


So don't get too much perturbed by these.... just keep poiting falacy in their arguments.

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Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     13 December 2010

now children givin contradictory statememnts. ha ha ha

domestic issues cannot be decided easily by courts.

to me it seems a successful effort by a judge to avoid slapping of false dowry and 498a cases against him.

these kind of situation arise when u force two people to live together by force.

it is high time to modernise laws and look marriage as a contract with a small sacrosanct component rather than looking it from a reverse angle.

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Avnish Kaur (Consultant)     13 December 2010

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