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Why in India men marry ?

Page no : 2

Balasubramanian.G (Software engineer)     03 August 2010

  Can any one help me to come out this sitation? My FIL is also very dangerous person as he acts like he is hurt physically etc. Am i able to file a IPC 420 case because of insulting us from the past three years????


Why get married and make one man miserable when I can stay single and make thousands miserable?

i agreed Balasubramanian ...I would advise eligible bachelors to live-in relationship like western countries or just living together. Its very hard to get justice in India for married men.

Balasubramanian.G (Software engineer)     03 August 2010

@@ Kushan Vyas

I mean to say Live-in or Living together with unmarried women, not a wife of another person.  I have just expressed my view as a layman, i know most of the people who mint money using false 498 A will oppose this laws and my views as crores and crores of rupees were transacted with this single law rather than anything else. And some of the lawers misguide many women to apply for 498 A rather than thinking of any reunion of her with husband's family.

 As i'm a layman i dont know what the Law has for this type of relationship breakdowns or any other thing happens btw thse two person who are in such Live-in or Living together  relationship....

sivani (engineer)     03 August 2010

I too agree with Renuka, so very true.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     03 August 2010

but is registered and hosted in China.
 arun ji, how you got this information? please guide.


the unique system of this web site is direct communication facility without interference of admin.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     03 August 2010

mr kushan,

live in relationship is also in denger by threatning of dv.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     03 August 2010

And some of the lawers misguide many women to apply for 498 A rather than thinking of any reunion of her with husband's family.

- they do it as their part of business.


arup ji not only dv  live in may also invite sec 493 , 376 and 377 . so its not a solution

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     03 August 2010

will be checking.

Mohd Musabbir Ansari (Legal Practice/Litigation New Delhi 09582547570 )     03 August 2010

Dear Mr. Arun

I am very sory to write here that you are presenting vey bad image of woman.

If i suppose that your marriage has failed, it does not mean that you must unnecessary defame all the women.

Have you dare to defame yor mother/grandmother/grand grand mother/sister? 

do you know Phholan Devi?

Do you how many girls are raped in india in every second?

Do you know how many dowry deaths take place in india in every day?



@ Arup ji,

I'm answering to your que. on is hosted in China ?

1. Type in address bar  - Press enter
2. Type in space - Press enter
3. On next screen type the security numbers - Press enter
4. On scree you see answer to your asked question.

@ Balasubramaniam

I respect putting your briefs (facts) here but suggest to post the same brief under Family Law Forum with a appropriate Title. You will get specific various advise / views /comments etc.from ld. members. This particular post title is very limited subjetive nature and has not much of a corelation to once personal brief (facts) so to speak. I hope you will respect the question of hijacking once post issue which I am bringing to your notice? Also kindly note this advise is purely based on getting fastesr results to a specific titled post from other ld. members and putting your post here under my created title may get less views as some ld. members may not even like to go over the entire titles post of mine as per their interests and subject expertise hence this suggestion. Rest choice as per once capacity and wishes.



@ Sh. Anasari

I read your 'defamation" question and I reply as follows:

1. All your questions has better answer by your own peers (ld. advocate) and well wishers in post tile as

2. I also gave lots of my views in the above weblink title post which is open for public scrutiny and or further comments.

Que. It is never too late to come in to any post. Now, my I ask Sir why I don't see any of your comment in above title web link (post) other than here in my post? Though all ld. members are welcome to post their views anywhere but I am very curious to know after reviewing your kind comments here !

3. As far as "personal" stuff bringing into any forum posts as certification / justification are concerend it is not required to do so. Why ? This title post is genesis of above weblink, where in above weblink your own peers and same professional members passionately educated readers including me of majority of question that I wrote in opening of this title post, then I asked a question that is if Indian women are such and such (which is mentioned in my this title post read it again) then why in India men marry ? Indirectly or say directly I am asking you all the readers that we all know how many girls are raped every mili seconds, we all very well know who Phoolan Devi is, we all also know how many dowry deaths happen every micro seconds only in India so inspite of knowing all these why we Indian The Men still marry ? So what is wrong here to ask in a interactive forum such a simple question after getting educated about Indian women?

4. Now what this question has to do with my mother / my sister my late grand mother and all my living aunts?

Kindly reply and educate me further and no need to say sorry it is a forum and various views / comments it will generate why say sorry !.


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     04 August 2010




Why men should refuse to marry?


@ Arup ji,

Thanks, that post got cold at one point of time thus to put the right fact across I started this post with their own statement and the opening statement of this post is not mine. I am not going to be surprised by similar statement this post generates.

This post is by a lawman who has no command in court English whereas that post is started by an ld. Advocate whose command in court craft is excellent so to see in the days to come.



ROHAN (Adm)     17 August 2010

The institution of marriage is basically anti-male. Now, with feminism raising is ugly head and having dominated the world for the last 100 years, men are increasingly finding it unviable. Why get married when one can get s*x outside marriage? Why get married when one cannot find love and happiness with this need breed of empowered women? Why get married when women are fighting with men for no reason? Why get married when women want to take the advantages of tradition and modernity. 


You reply talk about "patriarchy". The same system oppressed men much more than women. The same system gave the advantages of chivalry to women, apart moral superiority, sympathy and what not. Men have been oppressed much more. Now, stop cribbing. Its we men who will start off now. Its our turn. 

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