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Share More (def)     28 December 2010

Want help in GW Act

Divorce case in progress, filed by me against wife on cruelty grounds. Only child- daughter (6yrs), stayed with her for a month, wife felt the heat & then she threw it away to me for rearing. I rehabilitated her with my mother+ unmarried sister.

Wife in Govt job. As she went for Sec 24/PWDVA etc & she recognised that child may be made an easy tool to get mainteence from husband. she is planning to fight custody via GV Act. I know that rearing a daughter without mother will be difficult 4 me without her mother, I heve made my mind to give her the custody if required. But I fear that she may trouble me easily if daughter is with her & even use her for getting hefty maintenece.

What is the best solution out. Can she again leave the daughter with me if she desires so in coming years?


 6 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     28 December 2010

@ Author

So it all boils down to MONEYRAMA!

May I ask why you produced a child afterall if you are attached to money instead of giving protection, safety, security, education, marriage to a female child of your own ?

In presented facts first your wife threw the child to you and when you could not bring your own flesh and blood inspite of you having a female (your mother) you are tossing the child back to her mother who once did not wanted her own child !

What is this insensible parenting act in between you two going on? Your female child should be given to a orphanage is my opinion atleast she will lead a sheltered life there away from money minded parents.

It is shameful of you first of all to produce a child if money was and or is so important in your life. (def)     29 December 2010

Mr. @tajobsindia,

Before jumping to conclusion & giving me PRAVACHAN, first try 2 understand what I have asked. O Great Daughter Lover, mind it, u r not the only on who cares 4 the daughters.

Its not a joke on the part of wife to first throw away the daughter to the father & then try to use her as a tool 2 get maintenence from him. When I have happily rehabilitated the daughter, why she is trying to use her as an ATM only.

This is a truth, everybody knows that under strained circumstances,when father-mother can not pull along, a mother can definitely take care of child better. If she does not want it, I am more than happy to retain her. But I wont allow her to use the child merely to get dose of vitamin M for her & then throw her again.

So apart from the uncalled PRAVACHAN, try to clear the air what the law is if u know at all!!!!!

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     30 December 2010

@ Author,

I stand by my observation (for you it is Pravachan as you say which I take in jolly good spirits)


1.  A father when matrimonial laws are hitting him who does not know what to do with his own child will call my observation as pravachan and your hurried remarks to me is well taken by me so take a deep walk within now.

2. A father who does not even know that, unless a daughter is married of and or has a job in hand till that time it is father's duty to support her which includes right from her shelter + food + dress + medical + education (even higher education mind it) + marriage + job post marriage (suppose she has strained relations with her in laws and sits at home in such situation) all these are your duties as a father.  Read today's HT or TOI where Nation's only female Ladyship in SC Ms. Mishara has listed her two daughters as liabilities while declaring her assets and liabilities statement ! So where you are roaming man and calling my observation pravachan...I have sympathy for you now.

3. It is better to retain the custody of your own child with you and even if you are single (means minus a female in family to look her after) it becomes cheaper to retain such custody. If you do not know even this then read my so called pravachan once again.

I am a child lover and not necessary only daughter lover. Simple reason being in between parents fighting a child should not suffer come what may if you understand this much then carry forward otherwise enjoy litigation till your daughter is married off and or is having a job whichever is running parallel mind it in the days to come.

5. If my so called pravachan is over board then consult a Lawyer and or read law yourself. BTW I know child custody law right from 1860 till date and if you have any specific question on child custody laws just whistle I will pop you another so called pravachan.

Understand the situation from a child's welfare point of view and not from your wife's point of view simple reason being you produced the child and child did not not pop out of a coconut tree ! If finding all these difficult to digest i.e. such blunt reasoning's then time will teach you all these which I am sure of, reason being the day your wife left the child with you you should have filed a GWA suit under S. 9, 10, 17, 25 GWA with only one specific prayer i.e. to dispose the suit in 2 months flat as per binding Hon'ble SC law of Laxmi Kant Pandey vs. UOI. The family court from day one would retain the status quo in your favor which you failed and now worrying about the moneyrama....... (your mirror I showed to your ownself)

Even now it is not late mind it if your tentacles stretch little above so called pravachan.

All the best and if you really care to read through my lines then you will understand otherwise welcome to the world of pravachans........ 

a (cc)     30 December 2010


It is sure that KALYUGA has arrived. See a mother leaving her only daughter with father, again trying to use her as a bait to get some bucks from husband!

I suggest you to wait for a while, even if she goes ahead with GWA, fight to retain custody. If u think she may rear her in a better way than u, forget it. Her plans to dent u financially will be shattered if she fails to get the custody. All the best! (def)     31 December 2010


Mr. @tajobsindia,


A father when matrimonial laws are hitting him who does not know what to do with his own child will call my observation as pravachan and your hurried remarks to me is well taken by me so take a deep walk within now.

* What if a father decides to fight against the shrewd wife & stands against misuse of female-oriented laws which his X is trying 2 use?

A father who does not even know that, unless a daughter is married of and or has a job in hand till that time it is father's duty to support her which includes right from her shelter + food + dress + medical + education (even higher education mind it) + marriage + job post marriage (suppose she has strained relations with her in laws and sits at home in such situation) all these are your duties as a father.  Read today's HT or TOI where Nation's only female Ladyship in SC Ms. Mishara has listed her two daughters as liabilities while declaring her assets and liabilities statement !

* People do have double standards. Ms. Mishra too has used the names of her children as liabilities as it may have best suited to her while disclosing huge assets. And who is denying his duty towards his child?????????? I want to prevent my child being made a tool to harass me at the hands of my X !!! As I said b4, one should be clear about her intentions. If she has herself discarded the child & I have accepted the child wid open arms, then she should steer away.

So where you are roaming man and calling my observation pravachan...I have sympathy for you now.

* No wonder u have sympathy element also. All babas doing pravachan pretend to have sympathy for suffering ppl.

It is better to retain the custody of your own child with you and even if you are single (means minus a female in family to look her after) it becomes cheaper to retain such custody. If you do not know even this then read my so called pravachan once again.

* Me & other folks may not b interested in ur trash once more. Why not talk about some law so that everybody may benefit spending his time over the thread.

I am a child lover and not necessary only daughter lover. Simple reason being in between parents fighting a child should not suffer come what may if you understand this much then carry forward otherwise enjoy litigation till your daughter is married off and or is having a job whichever is running parallel mind it in the days to come.

* EUREKA!!!! EUREKA!!!! We, readers have discovered real CHILD LOVER here!!!

If my so called pravachan is over board then consult a Lawyer and or read law yourself. BTW I know child custody law right from 1860 till date and if you have any specific question on child custody laws just whistle I will pop you another so called pravachan.

After all real trouble with ur psych emerged !! Its PROUD/AHANKAR which is making u blind. U know, its one of the 5 DOSHAS mentioned in Bhagwat Gita. With so much of AHANKAR about ur GYAAN, u must be having a halo around ur head till now!!

If finding all these difficult to digest i.e. such blunt reasoning's then time will teach you all these which I am sure of, reason being the day your wife left the child with you you should have filed a GWA suit under S. 9, 10, 17, 25 GWA with only one specific prayer i.e. to dispose the suit in 2 months flat as per binding Hon'ble SC law of Laxmi Kant Pandey vs. UOI.

* Here only u talked law & everybody will appreciate the light.

Even now it is not late mind it if your tentacles stretch little above so called pravachan.

All the best and if you really care to read through my lines then you will understand otherwise welcome to the world of pravachans........ 

Again request u 2 shun the sin which has made home in ur nice soul in the form of AHANKAR!! This very sin caused fall of great GYAANI Ravna! Why not admit that everybody on the forum is for clearing the points of law only & not for toeing the PRAVACHANS of BABAAS!!

Wish u all the very best & A HAPPY NEW YEAR ahead.



niceword for them who behaes their child as a "football"

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