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Sree K V K (Student)     16 June 2014

Upsc appointment - criminal cases a problem?

Respected Sir,

Is a case under Section 279 and Sec 185, MV Act (in Kerala) a criminal offence? If a person is convicted under these just once, is he allowed to write UPSC civil services exam? If in case he writes and qualifies, will there be any problems with appointment?

Is there any rule stating that people convicted with criminal offences are not eligible for govt. esp UPSC jobs??

Awaiting your valuable reply. Regards.


 5 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     16 June 2014

write full facts.

Sree K V K (Student)     16 June 2014


Originally posted by : Sudhir Kumar

write full facts.

Sorry Sir.

Actually my elder brother was caught by kochi police for drunken driving. They told us that its all right we'l just have to pay a fine. Today we got a mail from the station saying that he is required to pay the fine (amount was not mentioned) by appearing before the court on 7th August. The charges are under section 279 and sec 185 MV Act. 

This happened last december during the night. He had hit the median while trying to negotiate a bump and was stopped by the cops. There was no damage caused to anybody or to the median, but only to our vehicle. Police let him go after one of his friends came to the station. They were very co-operative and his license was also not cancelled.

We are ready to pay the fine. But he has quit his job now and is preparing full time for UPSC exam. We are all very hopeful of his passing the exam. But now we are worried whether this is a criminal offence and if in case he passes will this conviction be a problem in appointment to the service? 

I would also like to know whether there is any rule that people with criminal offences will not be appointed in government jobs especially UPSC jobs?

Aashish George (lawyer)     16 June 2014

i am afraid its a criminal case and yes, the conviction will be a problem,

Sree K V K (Student)     16 June 2014

Sir, so does that mean a person convicted with rash driving is not allowed to get into a govt job??

Sree K V K (Student)     16 June 2014

Sir, so does that mean a person convicted with rash driving is not allowed to get into a govt job??

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