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MohanK-700 (Architect)     02 April 2014

Travel arrangements during dv case

Hi All,

My wife has filed a DV complaint in the local woman protection cell.  We received summons to attend counselling.Since i am away from country my parents have attended counselling.No fruitful result was achieved  during this counselling. We were advised that there will not be any further counsellings.

My Questions.

1. What is the next step after counselling assuming girl wants to proceed with complaint? How will notification take place as we have don't have any communication from woman cell about current status

2. If my parents travel outside india will it effect this case?

3. Are there any precautions that needs to be taken to facilitate travel ?

Appreciate any response. Many Thanks !



 7 Replies

Q Slinger (NA)     03 April 2014

Agree 100% sunchar! Contact SIF first get suggestions and then get a good lawyer.


DV is a civil case, as long as your represented by a lawyer, your parents can travel anywhere they want to. 

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     03 April 2014

Are you realy named as "Probable 498" or it is your recently adopted name?

Disclose your identity before posting your query please

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     03 April 2014

agreeing with Dr Vashishta I will add that you probably know that 498 is on the corner.


You have not even indicated

what is the dispute? 

how the dispute erupted?

and why the  councelling failed?

Nadeem Qureshi (Advocate/     03 April 2014

Dear Querist

my opinion on your queries are as under

1. What is the next step after counselling assuming girl wants to proceed with complaint? How will notification take place as we have don't have any communication from woman cell about current status


Opinion: the police can registered the FIR against you and your family as per the allegations mentioned in the complaint or close the file and inform to her that file a complaint before court. they can choose any option.


2. If my parents travel outside india will it effect this case?


Opinion: this is only a complaint so nobody can restrain them to travel outside india, no effect at all.


3. Are there any precautions that needs to be taken to facilitate travel ?

Opinion: contact a lawyer with all documents and detail, it will be better for best advise.

MohanK-700 (Architect)     03 April 2014

  1. Probable 498 is my adopted name as i am certain that 498 case will be lodged soon or it was lodged already .
  2. We have not received any further communication  regarding  status of counseling.
  3. As far as i know there is no other dispute between me and girl except money and alter ego of  in-laws family.
  4. Indian laws are gender biased and my in laws are using it as a means of extortion to gain control of my family finances and make their livelihood on them.
  5. Firstly my in laws have demanded  me to pay their marriage expenses for which i did not oblige due to financial constraints.
  6. I did not agree for any kind of encumbrance on gold.
  7. We did not know that they were in dire financial straits  till very recently and all these days they were running the show on borrowed money with the belief that girl/son-in-law will  take  care of  these
  8. They started spreading rumors about me and my family to my neighbors and relatives.
  9. Slowly my wife also started nagging to pay off  loans they took for marriage.
  10. Initially i did not give much attention but due to continuous persistence of girl it got me completely irritated and war of words started.
  11. I applied for visa and she  started  giving me strange reasons for not coming and this continued till expiry of visa.
  12. After marriage girl did not stay more than 15 days in our house and she has written a complaint of  10 pages detailing that she was harassed all these days which are nothing but complete bull sh*t .
  13. By lodging complaint and filing case she wants to create fear and take control.

Over all, She is under the influence of some of her relatives and they are driving her to the extent of doing any thing to get what she want. She wanted me to listen  and do as per  her  family wishes which i refused and hence this false case.

Many thanks for responding to my query

MohanK-700 (Architect)     03 April 2014


  1. Probable 498 is my adopted name as i am certain that 498 case will be lodged soon or it was lodged already .
  2. We have not received any further communication  regarding  status of counselling.
  3. In my opinion there is no other dispute between me and girl except money and alter ego of  in-laws family.
  4. Indian laws are gender biased and my in laws are using it as a means of extortion to gain control of my family finances and make their livelihood on them.
  5. Firstly my in laws have demanded  me to pay their marriage expenses for which i did not oblige due to financial constraints.
  6. I did not agree for any kind of encumbrance on gold.
  7. We did not know that they were in dire financial straits  till very recently and all these days they were running the show on borrowed money with the belief that girl/son-in-law will  take  care of  these
  8. They started spreading rumors about me and my family to my neighbors and relatives.
  9. Slowly my wife also started nagging to pay off  loans they took for marriage.
  10. Initially i did not give much attention but due to continuous persistence of girl it got me completely irritated and war of words started.
  11. I applied for visa and she  started  giving me strange reasons for not coming and this continued till expiry of visa.
  12. After marriage girl did not stay more than 15 days in our house and she has written a complaint of  10 pages detailing that she was harassed all these days which are nothing complete bull sh*t .
  13. By lodging complaint and filing case she wants to create fear and take control.

Over all, She is under the influence of some of her relatives and they are driving her to the extent of doing any thing to get what she want. She wanted me to listen  and do as per  her  family wishes which i refused and hence this false case. 

Many thanks for responding to my query

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     04 April 2014

I agree with Mr. Qureshi's opinions on the subject.

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