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Ankur   28 June 2020

To vacant property

Since 2006, my father and mother divorce case is running on. Due to my mother's rude behaviour dad left the home (he is sole owner of home and on his will my elder brother and name is mentioned) considering she is female and where will she go. Now case has been running on and we are living in rent now since 2006. My question is very simple that can my father make that house vacant during this divorce case my mom is living there since 2006. Since this property is my father's sole property and he keeps on depositing house tax and water tax by their own. And my mom has also admitted this thing court that she lives in my father's home since this divorce case is running. So my father and their sons right on that property does not establish. What could be legal proceeding my father can follow to make that property vacant.


 2 Replies

SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate)     28 June 2020


During pendency of divorce petition vacating the property occupied by your mother is not possible at all. Further even if divorce is granted there may be appeals which may take another time. So try to find amicable solution by convencing your mother.


Sunayana Chhabra   05 July 2020

Your father should file a suit for possession against your mother. Feel free to contact at for further assistance.

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