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Vijay (Banker)     23 October 2012

Threatening to dismantle our property.please help

we have a 25ftx25ft land and a house built on it.We built a wall of widdth 1.5 feet between our neighbour and ours in our own land.We bought and registered this land along with the house in 1972. Our neighbour bought his land and house in 1973. They had done regisration for his house as well as for 2 feet into our land.We had no idea about this for all these years.Now when we are doing some repair work and modernization, he comes camly and shows us the documents(He had done two feet into our land) and tells that it's his land and is threatening to dismantle the wall.He also has some political power and is bullying us and trying to stop our repair work ahead of our daughter's marriage. I don't want any headaches with political people so I am thinking of getting legal help.I went to an advocate, asked about the matter,he came to our house the next day just blabbing nonsense that our neighbour is right, later we knew that he was bribed by our neighbour. Please tell me how to tackle this legally.

Thank you,


 5 Replies

Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     23 October 2012

How is it possible?....whic city is this?... some government approved land?...some society?


File a RTI  Asking relevant information....




SAA_Bombay (Pro)     23 October 2012

Dear Mr. Vijay, Who was the first to register the property? In case, you , then put a RTI asking information how the second registration was done when part of property was already registered by govt. body. It means , the second registration is false or error by govt. dept.   

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     23 October 2012

Registration is not conclusive proof of title. File a suit for injunction then apply in court for commission.

Praveen Kumar (Intern Lawyer)     23 October 2012

RTI may be helpful for you.


Further a sting operation would also be helpful for you purchase any spy product from the market and make a situation where your neighbour will accept the truth. Thereafter file a case of 420 against him with the help of your video evidence.

Vijay (Banker)     24 October 2012

I thought of filing RTI but the registrations were done nearly 40 years ago by my grandfather. Is it possible that I get a reply for RTI query?

The fellow is a goon. He had bribed the local police too. Is it better that i leave the land?

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