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Raj (MNA)     08 January 2012

Successor and unregisterd will

My grand mother left a WILL (SIGNED BY TWO WITNESS) In mid 1970 favouring all the properties in her name to my father, Grand ma had to Legal Heir viz my father and my aunt, in the same WILL my grand mother given few discripttions of few jewels (movable property) to my aunt.  My father some how didn;t execute the WILL. Now my grand mother, witnesses who signed the will and my father all NO MORE, my grand ma passed away in mid 1980s and my Father passed away in 2010, Is the will still valid can Probate granted to mY mother ? what are the process.


 3 Replies

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     22 January 2012

Valid.  Your rrelatives will challanage and loose the case. You only will be harased for some years.

reeti shah (lawyer)     10 February 2012

Will is still valid.

Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     14 February 2012

Wil is perfectly valid .Your father's all legal heirs are entitled to get  probate.

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