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Harish Khanolkar   25 January 2022

Sra issue of malad

Dear Team,This query is against a builder who has developed the slum of SRA,but 2 of the floor of one wing is incomplete and people are still out since 13 years,also there is one query from BMc regards to the road cutiting against which the FSi would be released,Now there is a pendingTDR of rs 8 crores,the builder declared himself bankrupt,is there any solution,please suggest


 4 Replies

M V Gupta (Advocate)     25 January 2022

How is it that you people kept quiet for 13 years? As this is an SRA project, you should first complain to the Authority. Hope all the allottees and flat owners have formed a Cooperative Society. Then the Society should approach the SRA for relief and guidance.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     25 January 2022

An individual applicant in the SRA project can not fight alone against such a mighty builder.  Take a lead form as an association register it with co-operative society, collect the nominal amount of Rs.1,000/- fee, conduct a General body meeting,, elect sincere and honest persons within members that have adequate knowledge and skills in making effective follow up. Select and invite a competent advocate that dealt with such matters, and prepare a PIL against Corporation first if there is complacency and contributory negligence by BMC. Entrust the entire case to Advocate and inform developments through a circular to all members.

Aryan Raj   25 January 2022

Dear Harish,

You can file a case against the builder in the consumer court for delaying the possession. But my suggestion would be to first send a formal notice to the builder, it is important to inform the concerned party about the case in order to allow them to respond accordingly. if the consumer refuses to respond to your notice with compensation or a reasonable reply then you can move forward with the legal proceedings.


Aryan Raj  

Harish Khanolkar   25 January 2022

thanks to all

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