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Gul (Lead)     16 November 2011

Special marriage

Respected Expert Advisors,

Me and my girl friend got married under the Special Marriage Act, as she is Hindu and I am Muslim. We got married on last friday, and now we plan to live together. What are the hurdles we might face? Please make us aware of them. I had advises from our well wishers that even before girl comes with you, we should go together to the police station in her area and file an application stating that we got married and that now she wants to live with me, and we might face resistance from her parents and the same has to be done from my side too in my areas police station. And we have also been advised too send the copy of the same applications too DCP, Commissioner of Police, Delhi, and The Delhi High Court.

Please suggest the steps we should do. Should we go to someother place for few weeks?

Will police can take action against us? Do i need to take the assitance of a lawyer to file applications in the above mentioned places? If so, can you refer someone from South Delhi.


Thank you


 10 Replies

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate)     16 November 2011

If you both are major then no problem.  If you got any doubt on anybody that they may harrash you because of this marriage then follow the advise given by your wellwisher.

Gul (Lead)     16 November 2011

Sir Ji,

I am of 28 yrs and she is of 25 yrs. I wanted to make sure that, if i go to the police station in her area, the police will not refuse to take our application. Also i have no idea what to write in the application, except few words. Can you please guide me, or should i need to hire a lawyer?

You help is truly appriacted.

Gul (Lead)     16 November 2011

also, even after i file an application in the police station of her area, can her parent, pressurize police to take action against me? Can police harras my family? Is it ok, if i alongwith her can go to vaishno devi? Do we need to be present here in delhi, after filing applications? Will we be free to go outside the state? Please advise

Shailesh Kr. Shah (Advocate)     16 November 2011

don't think much about it. there is no wrong. if you and your wife live together, no body separate you.

"miyan bibi raji, to kya karega kaji"!

Gul (Lead)     16 November 2011

thanku shailesh ji

Rajeev Kumar (Lawyer/Advocate)     16 November 2011

Mr.Shailesh is right

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     17 November 2011

Repeated query from expert section/





Shonee Kapoor


Dear Gul,

Was you not able to get your life partner in your own community?

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     17 November 2011

Please enjoy your happy married life.

V R SHROFF (Sr. ADVOCATE Bombay High Court Mob: 9892432152)     18 November 2011


Chances r that her parents charge u for forcible marriage and rape etc. 

girls chg theior statement very fast, against h, onc she meet her parents. 

u go to ps and can be atrrested also, if her parents are gainst ur marriage. 

Under the circumstances, u shd send a legal notice to her parent, with sign of ur adv, ur & her, statinfg the fact of ur marriage, ur present residence, and or going for honey moon to hill stn for next 15 days, and sking them not to harass or file false complauints against u. and copy of masrrige cert , 

U can send similar Advocate Notice to Police Station of her residence aea,  that she is not missing, but is with u togather ashusband & wife, attaching the Certified copy of ur marriage certi & proof of  age. 

Prevention  is better than cure, and not to tke anything forvgranted, prepare for theworse, Hope for the best & enjoy. Two Notices are essential to safeguard u, now & in future.  

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