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Sharing internships done by lawyers on social media

As we no advertisement by advocates is prohibited then what is the ruling on sharing internships information on social media by lawyers?


 5 Replies

Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     29 May 2021

You may writ / post blog and/or article and publish the same on print or any other media, such as website(s).   

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     29 May 2021

writing information and posting articles are entirely different from advertisement . Here too we all submitting our thoughts and points.

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     29 May 2021

What exactly you mean by "sharing internships" on social media. When an advertisement is prohibited, so is surrogate advertisement too.

sneha jaiswal   29 May 2021

Hello, Greetings of the day!
For the query you posted, I would suggest that: 
Sharing internship information on social media by lawyers may not come under the ambit of advertisement. Posting articles or writing information on the web, helps other people to understand the law in a better way. Not for advertisement purposes, lawyers write articles or share information on the web. Also, an internship is a part of the curriculum which is mandatory to complete in law school. According to my knowledge, there is no wrong in sharing information about internships on social media. But, for better clarity on this, please consult a lawyer.
Hope it helps
Sneha Jaiswal
Law Student

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     29 May 2021

Rule 36 of Bar Council of India Rules states that an advocate in India cannot solicit work or advertise, either directly or indirectly by circulars, advertisements, personal communications or interviews, or by furnishing or inspiring newspaper comments or producing photographs to be published in connection with their cases.

However, the Bar Council of India (BCI) has not completely ignored the developments in the liberalized generation. The BCI recently decided to amend Rule 36 of the BCI Rules by adding a clause that allows advocates to maintain websites about themselves or their law firms to provide information about their business and help people to make more informed choices.

Any information other than the details approved by the Bar Council of India will be considered as a violation of Rule 36 and the advocate would be liable for misconduct under Section 35 of the Advocates Act, 1961.

However, rules on solicitation of clients, any communication discussing a lawyer's services through any media may be considered advertising—regardless of whether or not those communications were in a traditional advertising format or on a social media platform.


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