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mohammad aarif khan silawat (lawyer)     10 January 2011

share of muslim women

hello ,

        dear fellow advocates

can you give a answer about muslim law

how much share get a mulim women get her father proprety

father late behind two brother and two sister


 3 Replies

M. A. Khan (advocate)     10 January 2011

under muslim law daughter gets half of son.  2/3rd will go to son and 1/3rd will go to daughter.  this 2/3 share will be devided equally amoung sons and 1/3 will be devided equally amoung daughters.

R.venkatesh Naidu (.)     11 January 2011

if the mother has been alive she get 1/8 share and each son gets 2/8 share and each girl get 1/8 share

R.venkatesh Naidu (.)     11 January 2011

sorry, previous message is not correct.  if the mother has been alive she get 1/8 share and each son gets 2/8 share and both girls get 1/8 share

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