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Anand (engineer)     27 April 2011

Seprate Ration card

Dear All,

I want to add my wife in my ration card but her parents not allow to her. I contact Food inspector of my area he told, I need surrender certificate of my wife's ration card but her parents are not agree to surrender her name, my wife also want to add in my ration card. So please tell me where & whom to contact or what steps i will take.

thanking you,

Anand Singh


 1 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     27 April 2011

@ Author

Local Administration will naturally not come into personal issues of your families. Suggest to make sense to In Laws legally saying to them “once your daughter is married off she is now my wife and legally she is not entitled to receive ration on her un-married status in your Jurisdiction. Your daughter agrees for inclusion in our ration card her name and she is adult to make her own decisions so why spoil our relationship by being adamant not to delete her name and handover me its surrender Certificate to smooth inclusion of her name in my area Ration Card”  Say exactly this and still if In Laws show adamancy then tell them “for such simple legitimate needs if you want me to go to Court using Special Relief Acts then I am ready to do so.” Now they will listen believe me.

Times have changed ..........

BTW, Ration Card is no more used as for any identity proof purposes and a person writing in this forum a perfect syntax in English language is assumed to be above poverty line so what genuine purpose you have in mind to include so vehemently her name in your ration card think yourself?.

Simple go for her Passport making, her Saving Bank Photo ID Card making or include her name during revision of Electoral Roll and still include her name in National ID Card currently being surveyed nationally and include her name in area Electoral Roll these will be more useful for various public proof purposes in longer run are some of my suggestive thoughts rest is your ‘personal’ matters and I am basing above reasoning thinking you are not from TN where from a Ration Card for Rs. 2/- you want rice from PDS ! As you may choose as you may compromise a healthy marital relationship on such small matters at the end of the day.


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