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ganesh rao (x)     13 February 2013

Sec 317 crpc application

Dear Sir,

in the trial in the 498a case cross examination of PW2 is going on;

is it required that all the accused must attend the court on every date?

for how many times,consequtively, can we submit application u/s 317 of CRPC for leave of absence of the same person, without inviting any warrant?

one of the accused could not attend two times; Sec 317 application was submitted and trial was conducted in presence of the other accused on these two dates.

if the same accused is not able to attend on the next date--third time--, whether a warrant may be issued to him?

petition was submitted to court for grant of exemption from personal appearance in 3 monthhs back;

magistrate had not given any decision on this till now.

can you please express your views on the above?


ganesh rao


 3 Replies

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     14 February 2013

It is at the discretion if the court.
1 Like

Radha (Officer)     18 August 2014

Bal Mukund Shah(9826310378) (Advocate)     03 October 2014

first you think that you are on bail and necessary for you that bail condition If magistrat think that you are not present in court without regan then court  shall warrant you that is court inherent power 

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