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Sufferer of 498 (Officer)     22 December 2011

RTI template for getting call CDRs from telephone company

I need the template for RTI with Telecom Provider to get CDR's (my and my Wife's) also SMS details of my wife. as i suspect she was having an affair with her boss in office also she conspired the whole thing through sms with my MIL?

Is it possible for me to get the CDRs in case we both used Prepaid Cell connection?

Do i need a court order for the same?


 3 Replies

Bhawani Mahapatra (Law Officer)     22 December 2011

Dear Mr. Sufferer of 498

So far as the RTI Act is concern, you cannot ask the Telcom Operator for the CDR of a particular cell no, becuase CDR is not a public document. RTI is a tool only to get information regarding a public doucment (with certain restrictions). Further the information you are seeking is a type of invasion of privacy. Hence until & unless a proper requisition from a investigating agency, CDR will be not available to you.

sharmila (555)     22 December 2011

I had applied for census report throgh RTI for which am having acknowledgement of the census.  As my husband has married prior to my marriage and has cheated me i somehow got the census dtls will i get the info through RTi  about the detailed information taken while taking census Or not ? Is it admissable under RTI

Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA)     22 December 2011



Census information is priviliged. No excuse can be made out, even it can not be used in court room as evidence.


Also CDRs of someone can bot be obtained by RTI. Spend some money and any detective worth his salt would get it for you.


Shonee Kapoor


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