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Biman Ghara   09 July 2021

Resignation submitted but not accepted , continuing paying salary in every month

I was a government employee in a district in West Bengal. I tendered my resignation more than 3 months ago by showing cause of too much physical pressure feeling from performing my duty. I didn't give any notice period as there was no mention about it in my appointment letter. But the district judge is neither accepting my resignation nor giving me released . But the department is giving salary in every months though I am not going my duty. They are detaining me by showing two causes. One is the court is telling that I have got another job that is why I am trying to get released another is plea of shortage of staff at present situation. I did my job only 2 years and the job will be confirmed in 3 years. Now what I should do to get released ???? unless I get released how can I join new job if got later ???


 5 Replies

SIVARAMAPRASAD KAPPAGANTU (Retired Manager)     10 July 2021

In your query, you are referring to District Judge. Is there a case filed by you/by Department? Or, you are working in Judicial Department?


Have you applied for an alternate job through your present Employer? Or you applied without informing the present Employer?



Biman Ghara   10 July 2021

Yes I was working in a district judge court in West Bengal. At present I don't get other job . I resigned due to excessive physical pressure feeling in performing my duty.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     10 July 2021

This is Query No.11 from you on the same issue, same facts, and be guided by earlier guidance, and please do not repeat the same query again and again as it is against the discipline of the forum.  Your superior is District Judge, and you can plead before him for relieving you.  Please go through all your early queries and find out the facts/misrepresentations posted.

P. Venu (Advocate)     10 July 2021

It is unconvincing that the person receives salary even when he is reporting for duty!   How could it  be that there is "excessive physical pressure feeling in performing my duty", when you are, admittedly,  receiving salary withou reporting for duty?


Dr J C Vashista (Advocate)     11 July 2021

After serving resignation / notice to resign for 3 months, it is deemed to have been resigned.

However, return the money (salary) through Bank / acknowledgement credited in your account. 

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