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Sanjeev Raj   16 January 2022

Registration of cultural committee in a housingsociety registered under apartment owners association

We stay in a registered society under West Bengal Apartment Owners Association Act 1961. We want to get separate/parallel registration for our cultural committee in our society. Kindly suggest the way forward.


 1 Replies

Anaita Vas   22 January 2022

Society Registration in India is governed by the Society Registration Act, which establishes methods for society establishment and functioning. This legislation was enacted to supplement the legislative requirements for society registration for the growth of culture, visual arts, research, or the dissemination of information for good uses. Numerous state governments have approved the Society Registration Act of 1860 without or with minor revisions.

A society can be formed by a group of at least seven people. Besides Indian citizens, corporations, immigrants, as well as other established societies can also apply for the society's Memorandum of Association.
In the same way that Partnership companies can be unregistered or registered, so can societies. Only registered societies, on the other hand, will be able to withstand assigned properties and/or have an assemblage made against or by them.
State governments are in charge of society registration. As a result, the request for society registration should be submitted to the relevant authority of the government in where the society's head office is located.

For society registration, the original founders should first concur on the name of the society, then draught the Memorandum, accompanied by the society's Rules and Regulations.

Each instating member should sign the society's Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations, which should be witnessed by a Gazetted Officer, Notary Public, Chartered Accountant, Oath Commissioner, Advocate, Magistrate first-class or Chartered Accountant with their approved stamping and full address.
The name of the society and the society's aim should be included in the memorandum. It also contains information about the society's founders, such as their names, residences, titles, and jobs. For registration purposes, a number of documents must be signed and presented.



Anaita Vas

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