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lucky12321 (Job)     10 February 2016

Precautions from suicide threats

Hi friends,

My wife is having some personality disorder problem confirmed by marriage counsellor.
She always give suicide threats use abusive language against me and my family,police threats ,false case threats etc. I am having recording for the same as you all are suggested don't initiate the divorce and keep.frustrating her..
My wife having 3 younger sister due to this she always said agar meri bhaane shaddi layaak na hoti tu will teach you and your family and na me tujhko kabhi divorce that situation what should I do seniors pls help...
As some of you guys earlier suggested me for file complaint against her under section386 and 389 for safeguard against suicide threats.
Would like know does I file complaint against her under crpc39 to my locality magistrate...
As someone suggested me if I file complaint under crpc39 in that case she never knew about complaint is it true?

Seniors pls suggest what is the better approach ...



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