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Fighter   12 August 2016

Phone call recording audio authentication forensic lab

My wife's relative called on my mobile phone and threatened to kill me and my family and used bad language with me. I recordered complete phone call conversation and gave written complaint to police. Police have lodged IPC 504, 507 on them and took my complaint as a Noncognizible Complaint (NC).

Then I approached court and filed private complaint us crpc 156 (3). I submitted recording DVD as a evidence. Judge did my verification by asking me few questions.

My lawyer did argument and requested for Issue Process us IPC 504, 506(1) and 506(2). On same date judge ordered "Issue Process" and sent summons to my wife's relative.

  1. How I can get audio recording authenticated ?
  2. Do I need to give application us crpc 293 to get it verified from Govt forensic lab? If yes, please provide me application format.




 2 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     12 August 2016

Your lawyer shall do the needful and provide format, affifavit.


You may go thru:

Bombay High Court
Mrs.Havovi Kersi Sethna vs Mr.Kersi Gustad Sethna

sarvesh (none)     12 August 2016

Dear sirs You all are kindly requested to please suggest me either a videotape can be a evidence,in which the witness has accepted that he has not seen you on crime site. whereas in court he says that you are guilty. Can a person can escape by providing these audio/video clips in court

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