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Sathiya   23 October 2015

Personal loan settlement issue

Hello Sir, my name is Sathiya from Chennai. I was working in an organization, I got loan of 3lakhs from ING vishya bank in Feb 2013. I made the regular auto debit through my salary account HDFC till May 2014. Since I had couple of health issues like disc prolapse and uterus problem. I have quit my job. Then I managed to them(collection agent) directly as cash till November 2014. Then I couldn't make payment since I'm exhausted with cash and jewellery. They gave a settlement option, I agreed but it didn't get money on time to pay first installment of settlement amount. Till 13th of October 2015,I was telling them that I will arrange for settlement amount and whatever my situation is. They have threatened me several times they will get warrant and police will arrest me. I told them my current situation, Still they have deposited my empty cheque which I gave at the time of getting loan. Now it's bounced back. Today I was not at home but my neighbor said I got some register post from ING bank. It's returned bcoz I didn't sign it. But I went to out to arrange for money through my brother. I will get money maximum by end of next month . So kindly explain me what should be their motive? And what should I do? Please reply me. It would be great help for me. Thanks in advance.


 3 Replies

Sathiya   23 October 2015

Please reply me asap.


U cannot avoid repayment of PL liability.U have to make a settlement at some point of time.Now that cheque has bounced U R attracted NI ACT,hence better go to the bank and settle the matter once for all.

Sathiya   24 October 2015

Thank you for your response. I already discussed about settlement plan. Also I explained to them clearly that once money is ready I will pay it at one shot. But he was insisting to pay in 3 installments which is not possible for me since I'm jobless due to health issues. I'm expecting money to be arranged before end of next month. Will they give time till then?

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