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satheesh (staff nurse)     15 January 2014

Partition in ancestral property

Dear sirs. i m sowmya from kerala i was from hindu family. I loved one from tamil nadu state from christian family. While during our marriage i was convert my religion from hindu to christian On 2008. Till nw my family members didnt gave any thing for me. All property are ancestrel but it is in my fathers name. Now he gave some of the land and house to my brother before his marriage. ( i has only one brother ) that land also he kept for a housing loan and he renovate that old family house. Can u suggest me.....for my following doubts.... 1. Can i get any thing from my family ancestrel property 2. I was converted during marriage so in which act i can apply for partition 3. If my family members refuse to give the partition means 4. how i can apply ....... What are the documents needed


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