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Bhartiya No. 1 (Nationalist)     09 September 2010

Our Outdated Laws and Fight against Terror????

Plz. Go thru the following news,

What others’ think about us? How far we are able to change our laws to safeguards us.

India's outdated laws hamper fight against terror, says US

NEW DELHI: The US, which labeled India as one of the most terror-afflicted nations, said the main hurdle before New Delhi’s counter-terror efforts are the country’s “outdated” legal system and law enforcement.

“Although clearly committed to combating terrorism, the Indian government’s counter-terrorism efforts remained hampered by its outdated and overburdened law enforcement and legal systems,” said the State Department’s annual Congressionally mandated Country Reports on Terrorism for the year 2009.

It also noted that the existing laws are not sufficient to deal with the terror menace. “In the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008, India’s Parliament has introduced bills to restructure its counter-terrorism laws and established a National Investigative Agency (NIA) to create a national-level capability to investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism,” it said.

The state department said India remained one of the countries most afflicted by terrorism with over 1,000 deaths attributed to terrorist attacks in 2009, primarily in Kashmir and other parts of India. The state department said that Jammu and Kashmir, historically victim to the largest number of foreign terrorist attacks, saw casualties decline significantly from previous years.

“The ministry of home affairs reported that 71 civilians and 52 members of the security forces were killed in terrorist-related violence in the state through November,” it said.

The Congress mandated report said that home minister P Chidambaram reported to Parliament in December that 700 foreign insurgents were active in the state, down from 800 earlier in the year. “Ethno-nationalist insurgent groups remained active, particularly in the Northeast, it said, adding that ULFA, a domestic terrorist group banned by India in 1990, continued a campaign of bombings in Assam resulting in 27 fatalities this year.

On December 2, security forces arrested ULFA chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa near the Bangladesh border,” it said, adding the Assam government offered talks and free passage to ULFA leaders in a bid to make peace with the group.

LeT’s emergence post-26/11 attacks has added a new dimension to the terrorist threat landscape as the Pakistan-based terror outfit’s activities have made clear its deepening commitment to undertake “bold and mass-casualty operations” against US and western targets, the report said. It also said the core of al-Qaeda based in Pakistan continue to pose a major threat to the US.

On the LeT, the report said that since the 2008 Mumbai attack, analysts have deepening concern that it could evolve into a genuine global threat.

“LeT operative David Headley and others indicate the diversity, mobility, and versatility of self-selecting recruits whom organisations can pick to meet strategic goals. Organisations may set these goals, but their training resources and recruits are increasingly modular and interchangeable,” the state department said.



 3 Replies

Democratic Indian (n/a)     10 September 2010

Unfortunately I disagree with views expressed in this news item. We have more than enough laws to deal with terrorism. Few changes to IPC will do the job more than necessary. Also rember the 26/11 CST station surveliance video that shows policeman, instead of fighting the terrorists, they are running away and hiding. What can anti terrorism laws do in such cases? It is the mentality. Laws cannot change the mentality. On the contrary I will say Arms Act helped the terrorists to get defenseless and unarmed citizens to kill. Had there been even 10% armed citizens you can well imagine the situation would have been different. At the very least it would have been a fight, but not  a slaughter. It has always been that citizens are the first line of defense and this will always be.

Most of the time our focus remains on laws and not the real cause behind terrorism. What we lack is TADA like laws to deal with corruption. It is much bigger danger & terrorism than terrorism itself. In many cases it also the cause of terrorism. Example is Maoist insurgency. Terrorist are not created without any reason. In most cases terrorism is a reaction to injustice and inequality. Unfortunately we are a corruption ridden society that is based on inequality like age old castism and communalism etc.

Raj (Advocate)     10 September 2010

Terrorism in India is supported by Islamic countries like Pakistan .Protecting Human Rights and making world a safe place is one  of the Goal of Law in every society. Globalisation requires that all countries respect the UN declarations and conventions and treaties . However there are serious violations of Human rights of minorities reported in Islamic Countries.
A debate is necessary as to

1. " Should any Nation be allowed to have a Religion as its STATE RELIGION? "  .

2.  " Can a Constitutional Provision in Nation Like Pakistan and other Islamic Countries that Prescribe that only a Muslim can be President of such Nation be held to be against right to equality and freedom of faith ?

Democratic Indian (n/a)     15 September 2010

It is not just question of Islamic countries, it is a question of human rights. Self defense and Right to Keep and Bear Arms are fundamental human rights. Not allowing people to keep arms for self defense by the State is also indirect form of terrorism.

‘‘...for it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.’’— Alexander Hamilton 

"That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there."- George Orwell

When a people fear the government there is tyranny. When a government fears the people there is freedom. That is why there is 2nd Amendment in US Constitution. It says:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

What is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.

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