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Shreya (Advocate)     03 October 2010

Nervous to appear in court

Hi! I have recently finished my LLb and have started practicing from the past 1 month. Whenever I stand before a judge in court, my voice stammers, i get shivering and I sweat. Has anyone got this problem? how u overcame it? Please give me some solutions to overcome this problem. I really want to practice law and help people. Thanks in advance for your advices.


 10 Replies



This thing happens when you first appear in a cour, its usual. when i first completed llb and started practicing in court ,this thing also occurs to me. Its hesitatation,fear.when i was in studing in llb,the professor said the virtue of a good advocate and one virtue is fearlessness in a court.

First time it may happens,but after some times your fear wiil be gone.You fear because you think if you will make some mistake but remember one thing .for the first time in court the error and mistake may happens in  everybody’s  life.Nobody is perfect,i am nobody. Observe other advocate behavior. spent more time in a court ,talk to other advocates and your fear will be gone .

Suchitra. S (Advocate)     03 October 2010

Shreya, do not get discouraged. Every advocate would have experienced this but in varying degrees  depending on their personality make up. Being an advocate, you should not hesitate to put forward your argument quite confidently. I advise you to practice arguing in front of a mirror. That may help. I am sure you will improve day by day. Being an advocate, you cannot take step away from speaking in front of a judge. All the best.

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Adv Archana Deshmukh (Practicing Advocate)     03 October 2010

Yes, every advocate experiences little nervousness during the initial days, because the atmosphere is new and a newcomer is generally afraid because of the queries the court may put during the course of arguments. Befor you stand befor the court for arguments always study and prepare the case properly and throughly so that you'll be confident while arguing and shall be ready to face any query from the court. The nervousness will go away when you appear befor the court for some more times. You can also try the exercise suggested by Suchitra madam.

shamataneja (Advocate)     04 October 2010

Dear Shreya,

                             Do not fear of anything . All you need to do is master facts of the case. Laws relating to it.Take down points on a piece of paper and prepare it mentally every time u ppear in court. this will really hlp you to come out of fear.


Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     05 October 2010

that is inferiority complex.

you will overcome it soon.

have you not any senior advocate?

as mr kush told, prepare your cases with notes; include concerned acts judgments; & details of the partirs.

thereafter you will be full of confidence.

here is a trick for you. you already noted that a good number of advocates do not come with the appropriate preparetions, but they appeared. when a detail comes before the court, they unable to answer due to lack of preparation. they make up it by using their cleaverness. please do not follow that way. instead of that, you answer the matter, left by your oponent, you fulfil the gap.

these will satisfy your seniors as well as the court.

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Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     05 October 2010


Sometimes i observed that senior advocates do not allow the juniors to see the file. they keep the files out of reach of juniors and behave that, juniors need not to open the files. juniors used as a clerk only. it is simply professional jeliousy. be brave to see the files, discuss with the clientsin their matter. after all you are at court to keep the interest of these clients. you feel that responsibility and act accordingly.

do not think that your seniors are senior for ever. they are simply a steping stone to you.

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DR.SANAT KUMAR DASH (Eye Specialist)     15 October 2010


                                 IT        HAPPENS   DUE   TO     A    NEW     PLACE......COURT    ROOM.    


                                  GOD   BLESS     YOU.............PROCEED     AHEAD.

Manpreet kaur (Lawyer)     16 October 2010

Dear Shreya, dont worry, very soon you will be sharing your experiences with other juniors having same problems, to overcome wid the problem, very soon u will be familiar wid all the routine matters and all the hesitations and nervousness will flew away. So dn worry, promote confidence in you.


Manpreet Kaur

Kanaksinh P.Boda (Educationist/Lawyer)     18 October 2010

It is like stage fear. It happens with everyone. I was scared of my own voice. Just laugh it off and go ahead.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     18 October 2010

Do you know a strage fact that children learn a new language fast but not the adults, why the child is not bothered about failure.

So stage fear is not only in new but I have seen in senior persons also.

Lack of prepration is no doubt a major reason , but try for the questioner as well as for all others. Forget about results , prepare well and you will see wonders. Courts and aopponet both will look easier than esiest.

Power of words work in strage ways. You have to support it with knowledge of facts. No oratory needed.

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