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Mutation of property

we have some property which was an encroachment on government land. the Owner ( colliery company) agreed to register the encroached land in my father's name after receiving due consideration. Meanwhile my father died and the govt agreed to register the property in our names. we entered into a mutual unregistered agreement to divide this property among ourselves.--myself, my brother and my mother. My brother got his  part of property mutated to his name without proper legal documents. Only later was the registration done and the land registered in his name and the remaining land jointly in my and my mother's name with my mother as the owner.

How can he get the land mutated to his name, get municipal tax assessed etc. without any registration of the land in his name? Can I ask the municipality under RTI act for the details of this mutation?


 3 Replies

P. Venu (Advocate)     03 September 2023

Why it should bother you that your brother could get his share in the property expeditiously. Also, please note that a mere mutation in the revenue or municipal records do not create, destry or alter rights, title or interest in the property.

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Sir! Now he has filed a suit asking for a share in the other leftover property as it was in my mother's name and he claims a part of it.

P. Venu (Advocate)     04 September 2023

He has no claim over the mother's property during her lifetime.

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