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Muslim maintence

Dear Sir,
I am fathima from Madurai,I left my matrimony home 1 year 11 month back May year 2013 .My husband communicate me with Jamath.ask to come back Feb year 2014.I asked six month.I did not return.He send er first sms talaq in june 2014,He did not send his second talaq,so that My father ask for money for my son study upto 18 years in my jamath.We ready to write divorce to him but they offer only 4 lakhs only.
So that we give up the idea.
Now my Husband sent two talaq letter with two witness signature in each consequence next month(from Feb and March 2015).With out any alimony or maintenance.He stated during marriage was given Rs 15000 as talaq stated 2 years and actually left only one year 10 month only.
After I contacted with my relations to my husband.They do not want give money
After that I have sent a convenience letter to him.I will come after some time .5 month or 3 month.
Is it useful to me ,after file a case against him in court.
If i file a case against him ,Can I get any alimony or maintenance?


 1 Replies

K.P.Satish Kumar (Advocate)     16 March 2015

Muslim law dosent have maintenance provisions only Cr.P.C. is followed and it is also useless so negotiate and try to get little more alimony amount 

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