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s (a)     05 April 2013

Moot court diary preparation

A & B were married on 1st january, 1998 in accordance with Hindu rites.  They lived together for two years. A daughter was born to them. On 10.04.2003 the day they were celebrating the mundan ceremony of their daughter, hot workds exchanged between them.  B, the wife lost her temper and left the matrimnial home along with here daughter the very moment.  A, the husband did not try to pursued here and let her go.  Since then they never met, nor took any legal or other step towards restitution of conjugal rights or for judicial sepration/divorce.  It was on 10.02.2005, that B the wife filed a petition for divorce on the ground of living separately.


i have to argue the case from husband's side.  Kindly help me by providing case laws as well as my agruments to the judge.


 1 Replies

Trupthi Agarwal (advocate)     06 April 2013

firstly, have you framed the issues..........? in mot court first thig is that uyou have to frame the issues and then jurisdicton. after framing the issues you can get help for arguments

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