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kumar (Manager)     08 June 2014

Maintenance amount

HI experts,

while calculating interim maintenance, does the husband's father's or mother's pension also will be considered?

For example, if the husband's father is getting pension (irrespective of the amount) can the husband say his mother and father are dependent and include their expenses in his liabilities?

Or it will be decided on if the pension amount is enough for the parents to match the lifestyle of husband and wife?


 1 Replies

Contest (Proofer)     08 June 2014




while calculating interim maintenance, does the husband's father's or mother's pension also will be considered?


No, only income of yours will be calculated.




For example, if the husband's father is getting pension (irrespective of the amount) can the husband say his mother and father are dependent and include their expenses in his liabilities?


You should provide medial or legal bills to prove that his pension is not adequate for the expenses such as medical, legal, household expenses, etc.



Or it will be decided on if the pension amount is enough for the parents to match the lifestyle of husband and wife?


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