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please advice that maintemence can be changed during the year based on good or bad circumpstances????

Also my wife states that my LPA is 11 but does not have evidence to proove.but its true i told her the same before marriage.But after marriage i told her its can she claim on 11 or 7??

I lied to her but how will she proove that i lied to her.Or can she proove.I do not own any liability or loan as such.

please suggest.


 1 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     01 May 2012

@ Author

Day-to-day marital life's dealings are not like sales pitch wherein you are able to sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo!
The sum total advise to your two posts of date is that all she (via her legal representative) has to do is to call for income records form your company and there pops etiher 11 or 7 or moon.

I hope off the records you at least told your wife which company you work before marriage and as of date ? Even if that is like opening sales pitch to hook a bride then also above para 1 stands good in eyes of Court to set the maint. laws justified to needy wives.

Coming to your second question before us, yes you are right on mark meaning thereby maint. award can always be adjusted by placing on record of Court your up or down income accordingly till the specific case as per specific Act / Code she may or might file/ed.

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