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Jain (resident)     05 August 2013

Legal separation

My husband is lawyer. I have been married to him for 9 years. He does not contribute even a single penny for household expenses and often comes very late. I observed some online dating sites browsing in his browser history records. I objected and he changed his machine's password. On top of it, he has started abusing me of having illicit relationship. When I speak to office colleague, he keeps shouting nasty things in background. I have got nothing out of this wed-lock. He often threatens me that he would kill me and my son and commit suicide. His only motto from our relationship is to extract money and exploit things. He often tells me that he can get good amount of Alimony from me if I go for divorce. He also threatens me that he will take away my son with him. I have my own flat at Noida in my name. Is there any way I can ask him to live separately without putting myself into danger. Please suggest what can be legal options to handle him. How can I keep him at bay?


 1 Replies


As per your query what you have stated " he can get good alimony after divorce" that means your husband is jobless or you are earning hefty amount by any way compare to his penny.

plz come up with your job staus along with husband.


What kind of legal seperation you want a temparory or permanent?


as far as seperation from husband you can pray for judicial seperation by sec 10 HMA


But what the need to get seperated? if you are earning as good as your husband and mental cruelity is so extreme then take a seperate flat and reside their,who will stop you?

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