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Crushing498a   06 April 2016

Lawyer charges for final settlement for mcd

hi there, how much should a lawyer charge for final settlement including the following:

1) Mutual Consent divorce including first and second motion
2) 498a FIR quash
3) I filed cyber crime FIR on the b*tch, it is in chargesheet stage
4) taking back domestic violence
5) to take back civil defamation i filed on the b*tch
6) to take back criminal defamation i filed on the b*tch
7) to take back my divorce case

and what is the best way to proceed for final settlement ?


 2 Replies

Kappil Cchandna (Expert Bail & Criminal Defence Lawyer at Delhi Supreme Court of India)     06 April 2016



My fees would 50,000 for the same and I cannot tell you the lawyer fees for that purpose. Best way is to draft a settlement deed and then proceed further.


Warm Regards

Kapil Chandna Advocate


Crushing498a   12 April 2016

does anyone have 498a FIR quash application/petition ? also, who has to apply for 498a FIR quash ? also, who will get my cyber crime FIR quashed ? it it going to be me or the other party ? is there any expenditure involved in going to high court ? any file charges or something ? how much should a lawyer charge for the same ?

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