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manoj (designer)     06 September 2012

Kindly please advice what to do?

i have been married with a girl unofficially we were in contact still last month and she also got pregnant last year and did abortion..i have proof of her pregnancy report which i signed as husband.i dont have photos but i have voice recording of her.and other proof.now her family is ready to get married with other guy.and she also not calling me.i complaint to police station in my locality in coimbatore but i think they are not taking any action after i gave them all the proof and her place where she stays now is bangalore.im going through great depressions and mental agony for cheating on me purposely .police in my locality says to file a case against her bangalore and call press meet and go to her home and talk.i dont know what to do now.i thought of hiring a lawyer also.i dont have any photo proof marriage.but i have her voice recordings that she told she was married to me .on a certain date.pls do suggest what to do .and how should i move on and and like to hire a lawyer from my locality so if any one there pls do call me.


 11 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     06 September 2012

Honestly don’t burn your rest of YOUTH in Indian Courts when woman in your life is not in your side now.

1. Move on in life. Go on holiday, rejuvenate and start fresh.
2. If she being adult had copulated with you and then aborted a love child and now moved on without iota of remorse then what is stopping you being a male not to move on from such unilateral relationship!
3. She will never support your legal Notices / Suit matters if and but you ever file in Court

Well, in case you don’t wish to move on in your life then discuss locally with a Lawyer, pay legal fees, and file appropriate cases and wait for its results and at the end see what you gained out of it within Indian legal system.

manoj (designer)     06 September 2012

to tajobs india


i this case will be consider in court i have proof that she have been cheating guys like this.will law would help me in this case 

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     06 September 2012

You say and I quote you "we were un-officially married" what does YOUNG MAN it means in eyes of Law? Also what does “a woman having dinner to breakfast relationship with several men in social (character) context means to a resonable person”?

Find out answer (invest minimum Rs. 1000/- towards consultation fees seeking answer from any local lawyer to above two quotes of yours) and then come back here, I will exactly reply to your above reply.


Prasun Chandra Das (Banker)     06 September 2012

agree with tajobsindia.....just move on in life.....

Ranee....... (NA)     06 September 2012

Illegal reply:instead of showing those proofs in court after 2/3 years you get quick remedy from her would be husband..show him those without her knowledge then see the result...if marriage breaks she will come back to you..

if not forget her.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     06 September 2012

Originally posted by : Ranee.......
  Illegal reply: XXX if marriage breaks she will come back to you..


Clap clap……

Some frigid dash dash dash repliers derive kick out of giving “illegal replies here" thy name depleting estrogen stock read with same woman are estrogen peaking switch woman’s worst jealous enemy dash dash dash..................  

Ranee....... (NA)     06 September 2012

this is not jealousy..this is prevention of a poor married man's skin from getting spicy /tasty because of a abla nari!


(but what you r saying about me i feel the same for you about the poor married man!!)

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     06 September 2012

Originally posted by : Ranee.......
  this is not jealousy..this is prevention of a poor married man's skin from getting spicy /tasty because of a abla nari!  

Rejoinder to reply to rejoinder (end of bandwiddth from my side): -

Clever reply.
But you are advising on "revenge theory" that also after brewing it for next 2/3 years and in facts before us as per material facts of the query the object person is no more abala nari but too social a loose nari now turned only by you to be abala nari as usual which is natural of your womanly feelings towards any other woman in any query.………. jai hon meri Bharat desh ka aab.



manoj (designer)     06 September 2012

but i have all proof of her i have voice recordings that can taken into court and if not what else i can do i recently found out that she using ppl like this in name of love for peoples money and get escape from them.i do one proof that she have returned to me that she have been in a relationship with a man previosly.and used him.but not loved him

Ranee....... (NA)     06 September 2012

Dear Manoj, if you know she is like this why don't you try  forget her?

this may be painful for some time but in long run you will be happy.


as soon as she files a case of maintenance or other criminal case she will automatically convert to a abla nari ..

cm jain sir (ccc)     07 September 2012

Dont try to play with fire. Move on life with some other girl. She is not interested in u then wy u r pinning the honeybees! Feminism n women centric legal system will make u to collapse.

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